Day By Day© by Chris Muir.



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Buddy of mine set up a new MediaWiki for aspiring writers. Various catagories, and once you join, you can edit any story that you want, adding your own take / style. The idea is to have a place to practice your particular writing style, and where other people can critique / tweak it, all for free.

I have already put mahse'f on the spot, dug up an old story idea, and posted it here. Go ahead and check out the site. Feel free to edit it to the point where I do not recognize it. Just leave a comment as to your reasoning to the changes in the Talk section of whatever entry you edit.

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Bring It... Or Not...

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I "volunteered" to compete in an in-house Tourney at the school tonight. I believe that I will most likely be on the receiving end of humiliation. That is to be expected, and is something thatI definitely need. However, since I know most of these people, and, in fact (back when I was in top form) I trained most of them up from their first day of training, I will NOT be using my normal competition mantra of "If bones ain't breakin', I ain't tryin'."

On the other hand, I will be entering into competition mode, and the look that they will see in my eyes will not be one of recognition. For all intents and purposes, I will stop knowing the individual, and only know the fighter.

Mebbe this might help light a fire under the arses of some of these guys. I see so much potential there, and most of them are at the tipping point where if they could either plateau, never realizing their greatness, or become true Champions.

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Fun Stuff...

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Taking a break from the Rantin'-N'-Ravin', I have found myself playing the following games on almost a equal time basis:

Battlefield 2


Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
(and the Winter Assault expansion)

City of Heroes / City of Villians

Dragonball Z: Budokai 3 (The best part about this game, even though it is a little older, is that it is a cell-shaded 3-D fighter that sticks EXTREMELY close to the cartoon it was based upon)

Of course, there are always the good ol' stand-bys in case none of those appeal to me:


Ghost Recon (the original as well as the Desert Siege and Island Thunder expansions, not the crap they have produced since)


Tenchu 2

Monster Rancher 2

Fun stuff. I do know some people in the video game industry... some of the actual software engineers, and some on the management side of the house. There are some neat concepts out there for upcoming titles, and also a LOT of good stuff that ends up getting dropped.

What I can not wait for, is a MMO FPS that is real-time. There have been attempts to do this already; however, they have been less-than stellar, and not really lived up to their basic promises. Mebbe something along the BF2 lines, with thousands of people on the same "server" (really clusters of servers creating one unique "realm") across kilometers of playing field. THAT would be friggin' sweet.

One big problem, apparently, is "hit prediction". If I understand correctly, most games do not actually draw and move the object being fired (with an exception of grenades /rockets). They use the "hit prediction" method where the local client does a prediction calculation based on the when the shot was fired, the physics attached to that paticular weapon, the last known movement of other players as sent by the server, and the local movement of the player, to figure out a "hit". This is how you sometimes find yourself getting hit while behind cover, because some guy on a slow (dial-up) connection sent his hits to the server, who tallied them up and dished them out to your client, where you had already seen the threat and sought cover before he saw you. The other guy's client had predicted that your avatar would continue on its current path, and did not receive the update to the actual movements until it had calculated the hits and notified the server.

Now, take that whole concept (hopefully I described it accurately... if not, I blame all of the lumber that got between my forehead and my end destination), and apply it to my dream game. Talk about some intense client-side number-crunching!

I would definitely settle for a "smaller scale" game, in multiplayer terms, if it could be a combo of Freelancer / Jediknight III / Battlefield concept. Using the open-ended storyline Freelancer approach, with its space travel / battles / etc., be able to walk around the planets a la JKIII, using the same fighting system for hand-to-hand combat, and throw in the relitively huge map sizes and various vehicle control of BF2, and NOW yer talkin' 'bout a game with replay value! Throw in some multiplayer ability (ESPECIALLY a co-op mode *shakes fist at designers that always leave co-op mode out*) an' yer all set!

Of course, it is easy for me to sit here and say "make this game!". I fully understand what a HUGE undertaking that would be. However, if some company could pull that off, along with a good launch (not like some others), they'd have a following like no other.

And now back to life...

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Who'd a thunk it? I am not certain as to why this is surprising to anybody... people who live along the border have been trying to draw attention to this for quite some time. This article is from September 25, 2002. Second paragraph states:

Mexican drug lords, backed by corrupt Mexican military officers
and police officials, will move tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin
this year over rugged desert trails to accomplices in Phoenix and
Tucson for shipment to willing buyers throughout the United States.

Followed up by this:

The smugglers, according to U.S. law-enforcement
authorities, often are protected by heavily armed Mexican
military troops and police, who have been paid handsomely
to escort the drug traffickers and their illicit shipments across
the border and into the United States.

The drug lords are expected to spend more than $500
million this year in bribes and payoffs to a cadre of Mexican
military generals and police officials to ensure that the illicit
drugs reach their destination, the authorities said.

Oh, wait! I keep forgetting! According to the Mexican Government, their American Public Relations Firm (dinna know about that, didja?), and the local illegal alien activists, the illegal broder crossers are just poor disenfranchised people looking for a better way of life for themselves and their families! I mean, the whole nation is misunderstood... just ask the State Department of the US! Definitely safe stuff, allowing these illegals to come across. Not like it is taking jobs from US citizens (except the ones that they get that Americans USED to do... oh, and BTW, I used to do the same yardwork / day labor when I was in my early twenties).


More later... mebbe.

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Time Will Tell...

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Fun Fun Fun, down in the San Diego sun.

Man, things are getting crazy around here. It will be interesting to see if the man (not a friggin' kid, like the media and Mexico are trying to portray) who died in a Tijuana Hospital with a gunshot wound to the back, was the same individual who was shot by a US Border Patrol Agent. If it was, and the man was indeed shot in the back, the officer involved needs to face the full penalty for his actions.

If, on the other hand, it was not the same man, and / or the officer was defending himself as stated, then Mexico, as a nation, needs to be told to STFU. Funny how they zero in on one lawbreaker getting shot at by us, and COMPLETELY IGNORE an incident earlier in the SAME FRIGGIN' DAY when a Border Patrol launch came under attack after a VOLLEY OF GUNFIRE hit their boat!

In the last two months alone, our Border Patrol has come under attack by peaceful, poor, noble, illegal aliens who have tried to run the officers over with cars, shot at them, and attacked with rocks (not, not damn pebbles, fist size, and aimed at heads), over 78 times! Then there is this bit of info, regarding only the stretch of Arizona's border:

Assaults against Border Patrol agents along a 260-mile stretch of the Arizona/Mexico border known as the Tucson sector, a desolate expanse of territory that is the nation’s major artery for illegal immigration, are on a record clip. In the first eight months of fiscal year 2005 there were 163 recorded acts of violence against border agents compared with 118 for all of fiscal year 2004, according to the U.S. Border Patrol.

Now, these are the OVERT attacks against US Citizens (yes, you damn hippies, a Border Patrol Agent does NOT stop being a US Citizen). For a lot more of the not-so-overt attacks / threats, read here.


Let us get one thing straight, right now. The Constitution of these United States of America does NOT apply to non-citizens. Period. Go ahead, read it. Point to where exactly it says that the document that we base our entire government, rights, and privileges on, applies to everyone else in the world.

Of course, apparently I believe in world domination because I am a conservative, or at least that is what my libby frieds say. So mebbe, if you damn libs stopped blocking us, we would annex the rest of the world, and THEN it WOULD apply! Hey, there ya go!

Yay, World Domination!

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