Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Oh, you must be right...

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I always love it when a someone starts off by saying that they're conservative / Republican / Independant, and then proceeds to regurgitate Liberal, defeatist, Commie, etc., talking points regarding whatever the topic we are discussing is about. I especially love the whole "pull out now" / losing control / "no plan" thing, in regards to Iraq. They take this route to put you on the defensive because "We're the same here, but we've been fed a lie!" They then try to free us from the shackles of ignorance by talking circles around logic and fact.

Being of a more rational mindset, and actually PRACTICING tolerance / respect instead of just PREACHING it, we end up feeling like Peter Gibbons talking to Bill Lumbergh.


I do find myself having less and less patience for this kind of B.S.

Oh, and my wife ditched WoW and is going back to SWG. Looks like it's back to being a Wookie for me. I hear they get to wear armor now...

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