Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Happy Independence Day!

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Wow!! What a crazy past few days. Work became hectic, and The Wife and I are in the market for a house (finally!). We went cruising the various neighborhoods that we would consider moving to, just to get a feel for the pricing, as well as the people. We also lined up some lendors, and will be getting that process started tomorrow. Huzzah!

Today, we were kinda in a "blah" mood - even with today being the 4th of July. The Wife decided that she wanted to start scoping out furniture, so we headed to The Holy Land of Furniture Shopping - Miramar Rd. This same road parallels the Marine Corps Air Station base, so Old Glory was out in FORCE! After visiting our 6th or 7th shop, it was agreed that we were "Done". On the drive back home, heading north, it was decided that we should go to Sea World... which was many miles SOUTH of our position.

Great day to be had by all. Hopefully have some pics up soon. Everyone is super tired. I will write more on the trip later.


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