Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


On Zealots And Body Armor...

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If you have not done so as of yet, go here to read an awesome story, and then go here to see it play out. Unbelievable. I think this one is my (only) favorite video shot by terrorists. You just know that, when translated, the transcript at the end reads something like this:

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! God is Great!! God is Great!!

Mensa Candidate #2: Uh... waitaminute...

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! God is Great!! God is Great!!

Mensa Candidate #2: Uh... um...

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! God is Great!! God is Great!!

Mensa Candidate #2: *taps Mensa Candidate #1 on the shoulder and points to the empty spot where moments before lay an American Soldier*

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! He helped us strike the Infidel!! God is Great!! We... only... knocked... him... down... and nows he's taken cover and has spotted us...

Mensa Candidate #2: ...and he looks really angry... for an Infidel, of course...

Mensa Candidate #1: Uh-oh...

Yup. They were right, God IS great. HA!

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