Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


School, Dates, and Movies...

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First up, is ANYONE surprised by this? I especially love the ignorance of "
He created a war in Iraq...". Um... does anyone know what the meaning of a CEASE-FIRE is? What part of "temporary stoppage" do you ignorant hippies not understand?!?!?! We agreed to stop kicking Saddam's sorry rear IF, AND ONLY IF, he complied with the UN resolutions.

He. Did. Not.

Thusly, we "resumed" hostilities. Technically speaking, we are still at war with North Korea, as well.


ON TO HAPPIER THINGS!!! The Wife and I are headed out on a date tomorrow night, courtesy of one of my brothers and his GF. They agreed to watch Little Man and Tiny for us. Thinkin' we gonna catch the new Kurt Russell movie. While it is not quite his usual fare, this should be a fun movie that will help us relax.

Then, this weekend, we have my cousin's wedding. And then I start school again. I let too many things get in the way of school, and time is ticking away on this opportunity. I have a side-incentive thing going on with my local "Russian Mafia" (heh... he hates that) connection. He is definitely one of those friggin' borderline genius types, and he is going to take the same tests as me with only a week of study for each one. And he is definitely not a Mafia type, but hey, it is my blog an' I get to poke fun sometimes.

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