Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


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Why is it that this creep's mom is "hopeful" that he will get the minimum sentence, and that everyone seems to be pulling for this miscreant? Let us go over the record, shall we?

1.) Killed a SIX YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL when he was 12. Claims he was doing pro-wrestling re-enactment. Hmmmm....

2.) Was caught carrying a knife just three years later.

3.) Ordered a delivery pizza, and sat in ambush behind the door WITH A FRIGGIN' GUN to rob the delivery guy.

4.) His mom is a cop... and he has been accused of stealing weapons from her before.

Lock his ass up. I have NO tolerance for this shit. Frank needs to step up an' regulate on the apparently rising hippie population that he has growing in his backyard; the ones that actually think this guy is "just a mis-guided youth".

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