Day By Day© by Chris Muir.



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Only 2.5 days left to make a decision.

Not a normal, everyday, do-I-want-frys-with-that type of decision. More of a this-will-affect-my-career-and-family's-quality-of-life type of decision.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

And no, I am not enlisting... yet...

In other not-me news, me no-likie the direction this particular trend is heading.

And I found this lovely little jewel while over at Froggy's place. You know, stuff like that really grinds my gears. My favorite part of the article is the EXTREME apologetic explaining away of how they were so expertly confused and could not ever possibly provide a location to our military.

"Both times, the Taliban made sure we could not provide their location to the U.S. military. An NBC producer was taken on a confusing seven hour odyssey to an unknown location, where Ismail then appeared."


Dinna I JUST link to something that could help? Or, mebbe even go more drastic. And, yes, it is easy for me to say this since I am not directly involved, however, why couldn't something similar to the scene in True Lies, where they come in with a gun in the camera? Take one for the team, ya know?

Instead, we get things like this -- and this -- and this. The last link has one of the more foreshadowing quotes:

Interviewer: What are your future plans?

Bin Laden: You'll see them and hear about them in the media, God willing.



WTF?!?! You expecting him to say "I'm thinking about going to a Lakers game, an' mebbe stop by Sea World."?!?!?!

And that whole mentality is summed up here, and given proof positive here.

All it takes is one reporter's life to eliminate some of these vermin, and deny them access to our media, since they would be too paranoid about assassination.

Yay, assassination!

End Transmission...