Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


A Day That Shall Live In Infamy...

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At 0755h HST (Hawaiian Standard Time - which is GMT -10h), the Japanese Navy launched a devastating attack on Pearl Harbor. The date I know, yet the event I do not know enough about. So, here are some links I found doing some research:

National Geographic: Remembering Pearl Harbor

Naval Historical Center Another link to same site

The National Park Service: USS Arizona Memorial

EyeWitness to

Some photos from

I have been to Hawaii once in my life, and did visit the USS Arizona Memorial. Unfortunately, I did not get to see much, because Hawaii had just been having severe storms, and the harbor was cloudy from all of the mudslides into it. Also, I was 12 years old and, if I had been raised in today's world I would have been diagnosed with severe ADHD, so I got bored quickly when I was unable to see much.

Man, looking back on those days, I'm surprised my parents dinna throttle me for being an ungrateful / unappreciative li'l s#!t.

Set aside some time to remember those that gave their lives that day. For me, it should be 1055 since I am in PST (I know, the math looks wrong, but they do not observer Daylight savings in Hawaii, so it works out).

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