Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


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The San Diego Mayoral Debate was on tonight, viewed on San Diego Channel 4. The two candidates were Donna Frye and Jerry Sanders.

Keep an eye over at SMASH's new place. Hopefully SMASH was able to watch the debate and will be able to post his thoughts on it. He tends to have very well thought out descriptions and analysis of our local political scene, not the impulse type psuedo-writings that you will find here!

I only caught the second portion of the evening, which was the Community Forum. I thought that the event (what I saw of it) was extremely well put together. The MC (Hal Clements) kept BOTH candidates on a strict time schedule, and did offer both sides the opportunity to rebut statements made by the other. I thought that the reporters in the audience who were introducing the public as they asked questions was a good idea... but one that did not come off as well as it should, since they ALL seemed to be trying to crack jokes while giving thoughtful analysis to the questions BEFORE they were asked.

So... on to (what I saw) the debate!

Here's a mental picture that I want you to have:

On one side, a Girl Scout Troop. On the other, a Pro-NFL team. The event, a No-Holds-Barred fight to the death. Hehehehe... that's a funny mental image.

Mr. Sanders appeared to have a solid understanding of the main problems, a solution of what to do, and facts to back them up. He even gave a rather unpopular answer (basically saying that focusing the City Government's attention on building a new Library would have to wait while we fix the insane financial mess we are in), which he again backed up with facts. Ms. Frye... had a lot of woulda-coulda-shoulda, FEEEEEEEEELINGS, and "I have a plan".

From what I can tell, Mr. Sanders is the more qualified candidate of the two. He has a solid public record of fixing organizations / institutions that are in trouble (SDPD Chief, United Way, Red Cross). Ms. Frye is PART of the current problem (member of the City Council that has caused or futher exacerbated the problems), and has the same ol' "raise taxes across the board an' mebbe the problem will go away on its own" mindset.


It is sooooooo frustrating dealing with the Donna Frye type of people. The type of people that convince themselves of a certain "reality", and, when that "reality" is shattered, put their fingers in their ears, chanting "I'm not listening, I can't hear you! I'm not listening, I can't hear you! I'm not listening, I can't hear you! Satan is good, Satan is our pal!".

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