Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


He Who Smel't It...

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I wonder how long it is gonna take to end up on this guy's blog? After all, his mantra is "If your blog sucks, I'll find it and tell you why it sucks." And according to the posts, apparently if you have ever supported the War on Terror (that name still irks me... terror is a concept, yah? not a nation...), you are a Republican Kool-Aid sipper, and your blog sucks. Those that bash Bush or are "lefty" blogs get drooled over (though he does try to look like he isn't by throwing the "Non-Partisan" card), and do not suck.

Since I support said War, and I do not have cool graphics, and I have a Day-by-Day cartoon on my site, my blog should end up there soon. I'm certain that my sometime's knee-jerk gut responses will label me as a fringe Right Winger (and this link should help), and my inconsistant posts along with my non-existant comments (there have been 3, I just blew them away accidently when upgrading the comment section... no, really, I did !) will be the nails in my suckage coffin. And if not, then mebbe I can try to antagonize him.


Heheheh... he thinks SMASH is a Republican. Reading the post, it would seem that this Mensa candidate just glances at a blog long enough to find support for our military, and then declares suckage. And support for our military is what you will find at SMASH's Indepundit... in spades. His is one of the first MilBlogs that I started reading back when I first "discovered" this whole Blog-thing. I think the closest thing that you could find to a Republican leaning was that he dinna think too much of Donna Frye... but then again, not many people do. Also, the mayor at the time (Dick Murphy) was being called onto the carpet for his LOUSY performance, and he just happened to be Republican. Of course the San Diego City Mayor position is supposed to be a partisan-free position, hence the reason why you end up with several R's and D's running against each other with no Primary, all one big happy race.

Ya know, with all of the chest-thumpin' this Bad-Blogger (heheheh...) does about being "involved in the blogosphere" for a long time and how he "just do[es] it for sh--s and giggles" and he's content to "tend to step back and let the blog slide" if it gets in the way of Real Life (read as: can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound idiotic even to himse'f, but can't admit that the only original thoughts he ever had were spoon-fed to him by Kos), he reminds me of some people that I know that always trot out the tired old "I [am a Republican / am a Fiscal Conservative / support the Troops], BUT...". They try to build up some stature / sound authorative on the subject, and then they spew the same old tired DNC talking points.

(for those confused at the sudden inspiration for song, please read my second paragraph)

The Theme song
(I would like to take this opportunity to apologize in advance to Inner Circle, who did the theme song to COPS, and whose lyrics I completely butchered below)

Bad Blogger

Whatcha want, watcha want
Whatcha gonna review
When come for you
Tell me
Whatcha gonna review, whatcha gonna review

Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger
Whatcha gonna review, whatcha gonna review
When Kos ain’t got squat for you

Surfin’ the scene at DU
Even there they don’ like you
Make yer own site
And tryin’ ta pick fights (aside: like I am!)
Lookin’ like a good start
Mebbe would help
Actually reading what yer posting about

(broke the 4-6-4-6-4-6-4-4 and the a-a-b-b-b-b-c-b, but, who cares! Make up yer own damn theme song!)


Kos naw give you no hits
DU naw give you no hits
Atrios naw give you no hits
But you try an’ get mcgehee give you hits
Hey hey


Mebbe if’n I get your attention
I might just make yer list an’
That wouldn’t really change much
’cause your sites just plain sucks
What’s it like in yer fantasy world
Hey hey hey
What’s it like in yer fantasy world

Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger
Whatcha gonna review, whatcha gonna review
When Kos ain’t got squat for you

(You're too blah, you smell like poo) <-- I've got kids, it's late, that's my best right now
(You're too blah, you smell like poo)

Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger
Whatcha gonna review, whatcha gonna review
When Kos ain’t got squat for you

Announcer: is filmed on location with the man of suckage, Bad Blogger.

Wow... that was kinda fun. Lessee if the water' chummed right. These types can dish out everything, but take nothing. Also, they tend to make things personal. Hmmmm.... wonder if this one's an E-thug. Better start watchin' mah back. *shivers go down spine... then realizes that AC vent is aimed at his back... stupid AC*

End Transmission...