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Who'd a thunk it? I am not certain as to why this is surprising to anybody... people who live along the border have been trying to draw attention to this for quite some time. This article is from September 25, 2002. Second paragraph states:
Mexican drug lords, backed by corrupt Mexican military officers
and police officials, will move tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin
this year over rugged desert trails to accomplices in Phoenix and
Tucson for shipment to willing buyers throughout the United States.
Followed up by this:
The smugglers, according to U.S. law-enforcement
authorities, often are protected by heavily armed Mexican
military troops and police, who have been paid handsomely
to escort the drug traffickers and their illicit shipments across
the border and into the United States.
The drug lords are expected to spend more than $500
million this year in bribes and payoffs to a cadre of Mexican
military generals and police officials to ensure that the illicit
drugs reach their destination, the authorities said.
Oh, wait! I keep forgetting! According to the Mexican Government, their American Public Relations Firm (dinna know about that, didja?), and the local illegal alien activists, the illegal broder crossers are just poor disenfranchised people looking for a better way of life for themselves and their families! I mean, the whole nation is misunderstood... just ask the State Department of the US! Definitely safe stuff, allowing these illegals to come across. Not like it is taking jobs from US citizens (except the ones that they get that Americans USED to do... oh, and BTW, I used to do the same yardwork / day labor when I was in my early twenties).
More later... mebbe.
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