Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


W-w-w-w-e-e-e-l-l-l-come to Cali-i-i-i-i-f-f-f-orn-n-n-n-ia...

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It has to be the same everywhere. Whatever local Nature Event is prevelent goes pretty unnoticed by the locals. We just had a Magnitude 5.5 earthquake out in the desert on the San jacinto Faultline. That big of an earthquake is easily felt where I am. People have reported feeling it in Los Angeles and San Diego. I was just putting my contacts in, and The Wife and kiddoes were out front snuggling and watching a movie. We both gave it a second, and decided that it wasn't too big, and the building wasn't gonna crumble around us.

Hehehe... I'm gonna have some fun with the new guy at work. He's from Wisconsin. >:-)

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