Weddings, Strange Rooms, and... Submarines?
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Well, it looks like we pulled it off. Took the kiddoes to a "No Kids Allowed" wedding. Good thing is, my Dad is an Alumni of the university where the wedding was held, and he was able to secure some on-campus housing that was about 200 yards away. So The Wife and I were able to do the "Tag-Team" thing, and trade off every 1 to 1.5 hours. Worked out amazingly well... much better than trying to get the kids to go to sleep in the scary new place.
So much for trying to get some good sleep. Packed up, checked out, and drove home. I am soooooo not putting my contacts in today.
Eyes = dried out.
Since the kiddoes did so well over all yesterday (considering they are only 2 and 1 yrs. old), they get to watch Star Wars this morning. Between that, and Veggie Tales, methinks they will turn out to be well-adjusted nerds.
So then I sit down and begin my morning rounds o' da Internet (© and ™ of Al Gore). Let us see what we have today:
The man who had an Attack Submarine named after him thinks we suck, Gitmo needs to be closed, and Iraq is an unjust cause. <-- For my thoughts on "unjust", go here.
If this stuff was really the work of Brit Intel divisions, then, HA! Sweet!! w00t! Why aren't WE doing this?!?!
Please pray for our Astronauts that they return safely, and hopefully NASA will consider upgrading our space vehicles.
Bubblehead (a former Submariner) has a neat pic up of his former life. (hat tip to Jack Army)
This post by Sarah of Trying to Grok brings up some very valid and interesting points about "Women in Combat". (again, hat tip to Jack Army)
Matt of Froggy Ruminations has a post up about his recent attendance of the funeral of SEAL Petty Officer James E. Suh. Go read it. Now.
Then there is this little gem (tip o' da hat to Misha)about more of the stuff we deal with in Gal--ee-for--nya (Gov. style, yo!) on a regular basis. Grrrrrrr..... This is definitely one of my Hot-Button topics. You want to know how bad it is here?!?! During The Wife's pregnancy with our oldest, she started to have some complications, including bleeding... a lot. Took her to the ER at the local Hospital, and HAD TO WAIT BEHIND THE FIFTY-SOME-ODD ILLEGAL FRIGGIN' ALIENS WHO WERE THERE TO GET THEIR F'N COLD MEDICINE. Would not see us immediately. Obviously things turned out ok, though we were classified as High-Risk after that. Anger does not even BEGIN to describe my feelings towards these foreign invaders.
Time to take The kiddoes swimming and have some fun.
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Well, it looks like we pulled it off. Took the kiddoes to a "No Kids Allowed" wedding. Good thing is, my Dad is an Alumni of the university where the wedding was held, and he was able to secure some on-campus housing that was about 200 yards away. So The Wife and I were able to do the "Tag-Team" thing, and trade off every 1 to 1.5 hours. Worked out amazingly well... much better than trying to get the kids to go to sleep in the scary new place.
So much for trying to get some good sleep. Packed up, checked out, and drove home. I am soooooo not putting my contacts in today.
Eyes = dried out.
Since the kiddoes did so well over all yesterday (considering they are only 2 and 1 yrs. old), they get to watch Star Wars this morning. Between that, and Veggie Tales, methinks they will turn out to be well-adjusted nerds.
So then I sit down and begin my morning rounds o' da Internet (© and ™ of Al Gore). Let us see what we have today:
The man who had an Attack Submarine named after him thinks we suck, Gitmo needs to be closed, and Iraq is an unjust cause. <-- For my thoughts on "unjust", go here.
If this stuff was really the work of Brit Intel divisions, then, HA! Sweet!! w00t! Why aren't WE doing this?!?!
Please pray for our Astronauts that they return safely, and hopefully NASA will consider upgrading our space vehicles.
Bubblehead (a former Submariner) has a neat pic up of his former life. (hat tip to Jack Army)
This post by Sarah of Trying to Grok brings up some very valid and interesting points about "Women in Combat". (again, hat tip to Jack Army)
Matt of Froggy Ruminations has a post up about his recent attendance of the funeral of SEAL Petty Officer James E. Suh. Go read it. Now.
Then there is this little gem (tip o' da hat to Misha)about more of the stuff we deal with in Gal--ee-for--nya (Gov. style, yo!) on a regular basis. Grrrrrrr..... This is definitely one of my Hot-Button topics. You want to know how bad it is here?!?! During The Wife's pregnancy with our oldest, she started to have some complications, including bleeding... a lot. Took her to the ER at the local Hospital, and HAD TO WAIT BEHIND THE FIFTY-SOME-ODD ILLEGAL FRIGGIN' ALIENS WHO WERE THERE TO GET THEIR F'N COLD MEDICINE. Would not see us immediately. Obviously things turned out ok, though we were classified as High-Risk after that. Anger does not even BEGIN to describe my feelings towards these foreign invaders.
Time to take The kiddoes swimming and have some fun.
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