Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Surreal Is...

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...what it feels like when something big hits close to home. Got a buddy of mine headed to Iraq. I've known several guys who have gone and come back. A couple of guys from work went twice. Another guy that I hired had just got back 2 months prior. All Marines. My buddy isn't.

I hope everything goes well for him. We'll be praying for his safe return and for the well-being of his family while he's gone. Most people don't see why he would ever go over there. They don't understand that it's just where his path in this life is taking him.

Good luck, safe travels, and come back in one piece!

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Not Only Me...

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So I am not the only one getting ignored. Apparently all of the news organizations that are doing any coverage of this story are getting a wall of silence from "those in charge". Also, in answer to one of my queries, American-Statesman reporter Laura Heinauer has the following:

No recording or transcript of either that speech or another delivered last Friday at St. Edward's University in Austin was available.



Which now enables the dear Doctor to DENY he said anything of what was reported. Oh, and why is that Hill guy whining about anti-science sentiment... that hasn't happened... yet.

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On Intelligentsia...

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What do you get when you take an intelligent BHL and let him sit around thinking all day?


The extermination of Man.

Folks, the intelligentsia are the CAUSE of most of our hurt in the world. They firmly BELIEVE that their main goal in life is to "guide for the reason of their higher enlightenment" (from
Karol Libelt's On Love of the Motherland). The above goal equates to a firm belief in that they know what is best for EVERYONE.

I call B.S. on that notion.

Here are some recognizable people in recent history that knew what was best for everyone (and their beliefs cost millions of lives):

Some German guy

A Russian

Another Russian

Some Chinese guy

Another German

This Pianka guy could make these previous jerks look like amateurs if he ever realizes his "dream" of killing off 90% of the world population. Guys like Pianka are dangerous. They are able to reconcile the deaths of BILLIONS of people in their heads. This is not a concern to them at all, because of the great accomplishments that could be achieved after so-called balance has been restored... with guys like Pianka leading the way. How is that? Why, of course the intelligenstia would survive any mass plague/epidemic. And with all of us tree-chopping, meat-eating, knuckle draggers out of the way and no longer mucking up the world, they could be free to study animals/bugs/trees/whatever and see what a good thing it is.

And that is what it boils down to. Those of the intelligenstia study and research for the sake of knowledge. NOT to make their fellow man's lives better. Not to truly protect animals. Nor to protect the planet. They only want to STUDY all of those things. Knowledge for Knowledge's sake.

The speech/lecture/insane diatribe that Pianka gave at 1345 h on March 3, 2006, is irresponsible and reprehensible AT BEST. According to Pianka, since I only make machines work, I am expendable. Since I am the proud father of two, with a third on the way (yes, we're stopping at three), then, according to his beliefs, my wife and I need to choose which one to keep. The scary part about all this? He has been a professor. He has taught, molded, and indoctrinated hundreds. AND THEY LOVED HIM. Check out his evals from 1993. One student claimed "I knew this would be a most interesting class the first day when Dr. Pianka downed homocentrism. I am in absolute agreement with that idea" (emphasis mine). In Forrest Mims' article (the one guy who wrote about what the Science Academy did not want the rest of us to hear), he sites that there was even a convert to Pianka's teaching from just that 45 minutes lecture (If anyone can find that blog he mentions, please send me the link)!

I am sending an email to the Former (current at the time of the banquet) Texas Academy of Science President Dr. Damon Waitt and Current Texas Academy of Science President Dr. David Marsh asking them to release the transcript of Pianka's speech, why they had the cameras turned off, and to publicly state their position as to how the Texas Academy of Science can bestow honors upon someone advocating the anhilation of the Human Race.

Anyone care to join me?

I will post their responses (if any). If anyone else receives a response, please feel free to forward them to me for posting.

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