Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Too Involved...

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New job kickin' mah arse. Been an empty position for a matter of months, and I have been thrown into the mix, sink or swim.

Good thing is that the other guys on the team are willing to show me the ropes, and offer pointers when I run into new procedures. It is a completely different world than my previous job, even though the skillset is remarkably similar.

So, in gettin' ready to shut down the Compy, I cruise the blogroll, and check out Drudge. And what do I see...

Talk about the nerve of some of these "Educators". I can understand the basic premise of Parents who do not realize WHEN is the right time to talk to teachers, or who provide their child with a pager / cell phone and call them constantly in the middle of class. That would be alright in my mind. HOWEVER, read the following excerpt:

Teachers and principals in the early grades began noticing changes in parents in the 1990s. Parents began spending more time in classrooms. Then they began calling teachers frequently. Then came e-mails, text messages -- sometimes both at once. Today schools are trying to figure out how to take back a measure of control.

TAKE BACK A MEASURE OF CONTROL?!?!?!? So, let me get this straightened out in my "dain bramaged" (public school educated, even!) head. The fact that parents are more interested in how and what their children are doing at school is a BAD thing?! Parents ensuring that their kids are receiving an education and not a study in "feel-good" BS?! Parents who check up on the teacher, or verify the course material that is being taught to their child should not be tolerated?!?!?!?!?!??

It seems to me that the PARENTS are the ones who finally took back control, and the po' widdle teachaws are freaking out that they do not have a free reign over the children anymore. It is getting harder for them to spout their politics off in Math class. More difficult to run their social experiments.


They haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Just wait until my kids go off to school. I will be personally conducting the teacher colonoscopies. I won't be barging into the middle of class, nor calling my kids at all times; however, I WILL be very aware of the material being taught, and the people teaching them. Call me a "hovercraft" or a "helicopter parent" all you want... it is MY child that we are talking about, and you can just shove your ego right up yer arse before you tell me to back off! You want to hold a seminar on how to deal with me? I can tell you right now the ONLY course of action that you and your career will survive - DO NOT LIE TO ME, NOR OMIT ANY INFORMATION WHEN I TALK TO YOU. That should be the only technique that you will need.

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Ok, first go here.

Then go here and scroll to the second post by Gabe.

ROFLMAO. I guess it is safe to say that the Management team at SOE reads Penny Arcade regulary.

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Model Citizen...

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Why is it that this creep's mom is "hopeful" that he will get the minimum sentence, and that everyone seems to be pulling for this miscreant? Let us go over the record, shall we?

1.) Killed a SIX YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL when he was 12. Claims he was doing pro-wrestling re-enactment. Hmmmm....

2.) Was caught carrying a knife just three years later.

3.) Ordered a delivery pizza, and sat in ambush behind the door WITH A FRIGGIN' GUN to rob the delivery guy.

4.) His mom is a cop... and he has been accused of stealing weapons from her before.

Lock his ass up. I have NO tolerance for this shit. Frank needs to step up an' regulate on the apparently rising hippie population that he has growing in his backyard; the ones that actually think this guy is "just a mis-guided youth".

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