Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Ain't That Always The Case...

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I leave the blog unattended for a few days, looking after Important Stuff (read Family), and I get linked... by Basil, no less! It is always cool for us small blogfish when the Big Dogs do Open Trackbacks or random links like that. Thanks, Basil! Now everyone can enjoy the cuteness of the Princess!

Some updates: I have added a new link to the page: see the right-hand sidebar. AmericanSnipers.Org (formally Swing on by and see what they're all about.

In news that hits close to home, my buddy finally got to Iraq. It's gonna be a loooong year for him, especially since he's a civvie. Gonna be interesting getting used to Military Life. His family is doing great so far.

Some news that freaked me out until I did some additional reading (something we bloggers do that the MSM doesn't), was that a US Defense Contractor was upgrading the R.A.D.A.R. warning receiver systems on REPUBLIC OF CHINA JETS (!!!). Kinda freaky in a WTF?!?! sort of way. At least, it is until you read that it is really Taiwanese fighter jets that are receiveing the upgrades, something that will help them defend themselves AGAINST China. Thankfully BAE's press release stated the Taiwan clarification... which is a bit of information that was convieniently left out of most of the other sites reporting it.


At least these ones are still running DOS 1.1 :-P

In one more month, I have my blogiversary! One full year! Yikes! Lots of political ranting, some family stuff, computer tech rants, and, of course, quizzes! All because I had a bit of insomnia. Yet, with one year, I still can not seem to get the crazies that Raging Dave and FrankJ get.


I must be Tele-pathetic or something. When over at Basil's Blog, I found that he had a neat link to a blogiversary page... created by Jim over at bRight & Early. Who just happens to be hosting an Open Trackback post!

Now, if I can just find a way to harness my new-found mental abilities to bring me great wealth...

End Transmission...