Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Lawyers And Diapers...

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More Froggy-posting today. Seems that he has some questions for those in the legal profession. On a personal note, I had the dealership pull a "The BANK does not feel comfortable giving you this loan with no money down, so we need an additional $3,000" on me... after me having the car for three days. Of course, being as it was my ONLY means of transport at the time, and my job was 30+ miles away, I gave in to their demands.

On to things of a more smelly nature... DIAPERS!

The Players:

Tiny (1 yr. old)

Little Man (2 yrs. old)

So, kiddoes had an off night last night. Much crying and lack of sleep. Little Man was having bad dreams or something. So, I let The Wife sleep in this morning since she stayed up most of the night. Tiny and I went and had breakfast out in the living room. Tiny then decides to wake his brother (we live in a two-bedroom apartment, so there is not a lot of travelling involved). Little Man comes out a little grumpy, so I settle him down to breakfast (start with pudding... don't tell Mom!). I think I heard Bill Cosby's rendition of "Dad is great! Gave us the Chocolate Cake!" playing in the background somewhere. I sit on the couch fer a bit, waiting for Little Man to finish. Tiny has since disappeared into his brother's room to play with some of his brother's toys. After mebbe ten minutes, while I am cleaning up Little Man, Tiny comes running out and into the kitchen. I hear him playing with his truck. Then, the next thing I know, he is standing in front of me, all smiles... and naked.

"Wha- Where's yer diaper, you li'l sneak?"

He turns back around to look towards the bedroom... and I get a great view of a very poopy butt.


Turns out he disposed of it in Little Man's room, stepped in it on the way out, and tracked some into the kitchen, and back out to me.

Now that everyone has a great mental image, I would like to take this moment to voice my support of abstinence. Trust me, it may be a night of fun; however, it turns into a life where you blog about poop.

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