Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


And On This Day...

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Ok, you MilBloggers gotta be more careful. Not only are you our Nation's Warriors, you are also the best unfiltered source of what is REALLY going on in other parts of the world. Speaking of MilBloggers, JackArmy hit his Six Month Milestone for Blogging today!


The Tenth IMAO Podcast is up... Go! Listen! Vote!!!!!

Speaking of IMAO and the Mighty FrankJ, apparently switching to GEICO is so easy, a FrankJ can do it! (if prodded along by a certain Sarahk)

SMASH brings the joys of Monty Python to a more contemporary setting...

And finally, DW over at Four Right Wing Wackos makes a good point about the DNC and its latest hypocrisy.

Blah... enuff "Round-up" for now. Work sucked today.

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