Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


My Love Affair With Spyware...

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If you have read one of my earlier posts, you know what my feelings are on the whole Spyware / Adware... thing. This time, all I wanted to do was finish up some on my projects at work, and get to school on time (apparently having almost ten years "in the field" does not your resume a second look get... especially for a college dropout).

"All I wanted was to study,
Just a few hours,
And they wouldn't let me.
All I wanted was to study,



Instead, what do I get to do for almost six frackin' ( <-- BSG rocks!) hours?!?!?! Yup. Fix a system that had some viruses and tons o' self repairing spyware. Inculding this one. Made by these guys. Please, whatever you do, do not visit their infestation site MyPCTuneUp. Bad Voodoo. On the bright side, I did report them to my management, so hopefully a bulletin has been generated to warn my company's general population of users regarding it. Also, my site manager was working late and saw me pluggin' away, and mentioned that they would authorize me for overtime (nice how one canna work OT, possibly even get in trouble for doing OT, unless previously blessed by "The Suits"). Good thing Local management is a top notch crew, or we would never get authorization.

So I fixed the system, just in time for the guy to catch his flight for a trip. System works great, and he's happy. I was just glad to get the dang thing working. I had to pull an "Indiana Jones" on some of the malware's files.

The ol' "Switcher-oo" by creating .TXT files, renaming them to the malware's .EXE files, and doing the Copy........... deletepaste!!! before it could recreate the filies I destroyed.


Blah, many projects behind they are. Must get sleep before Yoda-speak permanent it is.

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