Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Now Hear This...

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Local San Diego Protest Warrior and Milblogger SMASH is gearing up for a fight, an' he is bringin' the troops. What has him so upset? Gee, mebbe this piece of ACTIVE SEDITION AND TREASON BY AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. Based on our own laws, several of the following apply to the activites of not only Dean, but a good chunk of the loudest voices on the Left:



Or SUBVERSION as defined HERE and HERE.

I guess the real question is, how does a person, or group thereof, get proceedings like that taken seriously, and not marginalized as some wacko fringe group? I would think that the group would have to comprise of people registered as (D) , (R) , (I) , etc., as well as having some major figure on board that can not be easily dismissed. Even then, I do not believe that there has been a successful trial on those basis since World War II.

Things to ponder on.

Anyway, stepping back from my fantasyland where freedom of speech does not leave one free of the consequences of said speech, SMASH is issuing marching orders. The first set is here. Synopsis: call your US Congressman, urging them to keep the course if they support our troops and our mission (pro-victory), or let them know your disappointment if they are for an immediate pullout and do not support the mission (anti-victory, which is also anti-troop)

You can find your Representitive and their voting record here.

Contact Info should be here.

My Congressman happens to be:

The Honorable Mary Whitaker Bono
United States House of Representatives


Project Vote Smart Page

Washington DC Office: 202-225-5330

Palm Springs Office: 760-320-1076

Hemet Office: 951-658-2312

Read his post for the actual details of the assignment. Next up, the Second set of orders.
Synopsis: Call a local pro-victory radio show, State your outrage / disappointment, give out the main number to the Congress switchboard on air. See the link for the specific details.

To help those out there that are new to Talk Radio, or do not know many stations, here are a few stations, their hosts, and contact numbers for SoCal.

Frequency: AM 600
Station Name: KOGO
Show Name: The Roger Hedgecock Show
Host: Roger Hedgecock
Show Numbers: 1-800-600-KOGO; 858-569-TALK; ATT Wireless #600
Show Email:
Show Air Time: 1500h - 1800h (3:00 pm - 6:00 pm)


Frequency: AM 640
Station Name: KFI
Show Name: The John and Ken Show
Host: John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou
Show Number: 1-800-520-1KFI
Show Email:
Show Air Time: 1500h - 1900h (3:00 pm - 7:00 pm)


Frequency: AM 760
Station Name: KFMB
Show Name: The Rick Roberts Show
Host: Rick Roberts
Show Number: 1-800-760-KFMB
Show Email:
Show Air Time: 0600h - 1000h (6:00 am - 10:00 am)


Frequency: AM 760
Station Name: KFMB
Show Name: The Sean Hannity Show
Host: Sean Hannity
Show Number: 1-800-941-7326
Show Email:
Show Air Time: 1200h - 1500h (12:00 pm - 3:00 pm)


These listings for showtimes are the times they are on air in the So Cal market on the listed stations. Remember to be nice to the call screeners, state your intent, hopefully they will let you on air, speak your piece, and get the info out there.

That is all for now. I am sure there will be more to follow.

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San Diego rocks in SOOOOOOO many ways, even with our current problems. And it is items like this that just make my day. I have been to the pub mentioned in the article, and it is definitely a great time to be had.

I just canna get that image out of my head... three dudes thinking that they have the upper hand since they have a gun, going in to rob an IRISH DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT.








*wipes tear*



Man that's funny.

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A Day That Shall Live In Infamy...

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At 0755h HST (Hawaiian Standard Time - which is GMT -10h), the Japanese Navy launched a devastating attack on Pearl Harbor. The date I know, yet the event I do not know enough about. So, here are some links I found doing some research:

National Geographic: Remembering Pearl Harbor

Naval Historical Center Another link to same site

The National Park Service: USS Arizona Memorial

EyeWitness to

Some photos from

I have been to Hawaii once in my life, and did visit the USS Arizona Memorial. Unfortunately, I did not get to see much, because Hawaii had just been having severe storms, and the harbor was cloudy from all of the mudslides into it. Also, I was 12 years old and, if I had been raised in today's world I would have been diagnosed with severe ADHD, so I got bored quickly when I was unable to see much.

Man, looking back on those days, I'm surprised my parents dinna throttle me for being an ungrateful / unappreciative li'l s#!t.

Set aside some time to remember those that gave their lives that day. For me, it should be 1055 since I am in PST (I know, the math looks wrong, but they do not observer Daylight savings in Hawaii, so it works out).

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Six Months And Counting...

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I made it to the Six Month Marker for blogging (barely)! These last few weeks have been kinda slow on the posting due to my recent move; however, I am still hangin' in there and postin' when I can.

Since my first post, this site has gone through several changes in these short six months:

I attempted to get The Funny from FrankJ., and failed.

Silly Europeans have been discussed.

Much stress has been relieved by ranting... both political and work rants.

A couple of weddings and wedding type activities...

Every once in a while something parenting / family related.

Then there is the ever so sane world that is known as Computer Gaming.

"And this one time, at Band Camp..." Blah. Much linky involved here. I think my original motivation for this Blog was to vent some of the frustrations that were on my mind. I have got to say that it definitely has helped in that department. This is a lot of fun, and I currently plan to keep posting until it stops being fun / relaxing / stress relief.

With all that being said, take some time to enjoy life (these songs should help - trust me, this cd is in my car cd kit) and God Bless America!

Now I am off to see if I can shamelessly promote myself on some of the Real Blogs.

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Of Picks And Axes...

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Ah, the joys of Home Ownership! Spent the weekend trenching out my backyard for a sprinkler system. And, though I am a technophile by trade and hobby, I prefer to do some of those type of tasks Old School. So one trip to Home Depot, some surveyor stakes, orange ribbon, a five pound sledge hammer, and one pickaxe later, I begin my odyssey of digging a trench by hand.

Now, mind you, the most physical activity I have done (until recently, that is) for the past few years is type at my keyboard and move some computers around. Combine that with the fact that my lot is made of something bordering on clay, with huge rocks every so often, and one is left with a rather amusing mental image.

I ended up with some impressive blisters (not all of them popped), a sore back, and a sunburn.


The Wife took Tiny with her to go shopping, and Little Man helped me with my digging. Now by "helped me with my digging" I mean in such a method that a two year old can possibly help. He did grab onto the pickaxe and we took some small swings at the ground together. He decided that he wanted to do something that Dad dinna hafta help him with, so he left that part to me, and instead, began moving all rocks that he could carry / throw towards the wall of the yard. After he tired of THAT, he grabbed my square point shovel, and started dragging it all over the yard, flattening the dirt. Next came rock jumping (sans shovel). There was a particularly large rock that was the most fun apparently. That sucker was a pain to get outta the ground (weighs in at near 50+ pounds).

Now I have next weekend to drop in the piping, hook up controls, establish the points where the sprinklers will pop out, and I will be ready to start laying down topsoil and sod.

In the past, I can not really say that I have ever really enjoyed doing any of this type of work. however, now that I own the property that is being worked on, I actually kinda look forward to it!


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Started up what I hope to be a permanent training regimen. Only doing two days a week for now. Have to balance school, work, family, and now training.

I went back initially on Tuesday night, to scope things out, and test the waters. Must've been a perfect alignment of the planets or something. Not only was my Instructor there... HER instructor (who now has attained the rank of Master) was there. Lemme just put it this way: the Buddha jokes dinna stop until I left, and the Master seems to have found an interesting new project; namely getting me back into Old-School fighting shape.

Like I said, Ugh.

I hurt like hell right now, but it is the type of hurt where you know it is good for ya. I had to hold back a few times to make certain that I was not "overdoing it". The mind remembers the Old Days, but The Body, though willing, is unable to comply... for now.

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