Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Sad Day...

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As much as people like to poke fun at his mannerisms and catch phrases... Steve Irwin was still a man who did Good in the world.


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Take Pride...

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The next time I hear "Viva La Raza!" or "Viva Mexico!" and I see one of those ig'nant fuckers with a stupid smile on their face saying how great stuff is back in Mexico, I will know that there is no such thing as Latino Pride / Courage.

All you Latino illegals are:

a.) cowards (you refuse to take back your nation from the criminally corrupt elite)

b.) lazy (why else would you come to the land where you don't have to actually WORK for anything, and are able to make rediculous demands upon OUR government, EXPECTING entitlement)

Well, I think I can safely say that I will never be able to hold public office, thanks in large part to my raw emotions as displayed here.

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