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This just in...
Why is it September of '05, and I have been seeing PRESIDENTIAL RACE OF '08 PROGRAMMING ON MY TELEVISION???!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Again, people who want power for the sake of being in power turn out to be Saddam / Hitler / Stalin. John Kerry was one of those people. He admitted it to the guy writing his Biography. Dreamed of it from a young age.
If you Mensa Candidates (trust me, I think you are the exact opposite) friggin' focused on taking care of the job at hand, we would be much further along as a society. Hell, you could have even made some positive influences, and possibly been able to win over a few people to your side of the aisle.
But, no.
You ignore everything else, and start running candidates for Prez again, thinking of all the great stuff yer gonna do once you have the White House... THREE AND A HALF YEARS FROM NOW.
If this is your example of providing solutions to problems:
then please just give up now, since nobody will EVER trust you with power again.
I think that those last two links are especially telling. The true voice of the Left versus the Right. Not stopping to help a woman in need who had a baby in her arms, JUST BECAUSE OF A STICKER?!?!??!?!?!?! And then all of the Lefty Blogs just spewing more Bushate while the ones on the Right offer ways to help? Which reminds me:
I have always respected this organization.
And these guys, though I do not share their beliefs, are usually first on hand with help in a situation like this.
Also, if you live in the San Diego area, try to make this event if possible. Info as follows:
Date: Tuesday, September 6th
Time: 5 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Location: Sports Arena parking lot
Donations: Checks or cash only
DNC now stands for Does Not Care. I think all of the non-looney lib peeps should wipe the slate clean (again) and start a new party; one that offers SOLUTIONS to problems, and wants to build America up, not tear her down to wallow in pity and guilt. Persoanlly, I hope I have offended those of you who are on the left, yet not the crazy element. I hope you take a good long look at what depths this formerly proud political party has fallen.
Gah, you bastards got me to rant again.
Well, I promised a few posts ago that I would have pics up of happy kids, and that's what I'm gonna do next post.
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This just in...
Why is it September of '05, and I have been seeing PRESIDENTIAL RACE OF '08 PROGRAMMING ON MY TELEVISION???!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Again, people who want power for the sake of being in power turn out to be Saddam / Hitler / Stalin. John Kerry was one of those people. He admitted it to the guy writing his Biography. Dreamed of it from a young age.
If you Mensa Candidates (trust me, I think you are the exact opposite) friggin' focused on taking care of the job at hand, we would be much further along as a society. Hell, you could have even made some positive influences, and possibly been able to win over a few people to your side of the aisle.
But, no.
You ignore everything else, and start running candidates for Prez again, thinking of all the great stuff yer gonna do once you have the White House... THREE AND A HALF YEARS FROM NOW.
If this is your example of providing solutions to problems:

I think that those last two links are especially telling. The true voice of the Left versus the Right. Not stopping to help a woman in need who had a baby in her arms, JUST BECAUSE OF A STICKER?!?!??!?!?!?! And then all of the Lefty Blogs just spewing more Bushate while the ones on the Right offer ways to help? Which reminds me:
I have always respected this organization.
And these guys, though I do not share their beliefs, are usually first on hand with help in a situation like this.
Also, if you live in the San Diego area, try to make this event if possible. Info as follows:
Date: Tuesday, September 6th
Time: 5 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Location: Sports Arena parking lot
Donations: Checks or cash only
DNC now stands for Does Not Care. I think all of the non-looney lib peeps should wipe the slate clean (again) and start a new party; one that offers SOLUTIONS to problems, and wants to build America up, not tear her down to wallow in pity and guilt. Persoanlly, I hope I have offended those of you who are on the left, yet not the crazy element. I hope you take a good long look at what depths this formerly proud political party has fallen.
Gah, you bastards got me to rant again.
Well, I promised a few posts ago that I would have pics up of happy kids, and that's what I'm gonna do next post.
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