Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Just The Facts...

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Well, I only was able to listen to about 45 minutes of the Illegal Immigration forum tonight, the one that was almost cancelled. Hosted by CA state Sen. Bill Morrow, the meeting featured former San Diego mayor and radio talk-show host Roger Hedgecock as emcee, Colorado Congressmen Tom Tancredo, Minuteman Project founder James W. Gilchrist, attorney and author Madeleine Cosman, and former U.S. Attorney Pete Nunez. (<--pulled from the John and Ken website) From radio reports, the forum was filled PAST capacity at 400 people inside, and 300 more waiting to come in. Last I heard, there were no big problems out of the 250 protesters that showed up... due to the 300+ Carlsbad Police that were reported to be on hand, some of which were in full riot gear.

Of course, the 250 protesters were composed of the North County Council for Justice and Peace as well as the anti-american protesters that harrassed the California Minutemen. And of course, whenever "Peace" and "Activist" are mentioned in the same sentence, there is usually violence, or attempts thereof... initiated by the so-called peaceniks. Last I heard, the Carlsbad PD was still doing an excellent job, and the forum-goers were largely ignoring the antagonistic yelling / shouting / racism / etc. being spewed by the hate-mongers (in case you are confused or are limited by a leftist mind, hate-monger = these... brilliant... people).

Of the part that I was able to listen to, the following information was presented. I will try to verify as much as I can, and correct that which is just pure propoganda (<-- that is not just a tool of leftists...).


Hospitals are closing due in part to doctors being fined $50,000 per incident for refusing to see illegal aliens, WHO CAN'T PAY! (kinda a Catch-22)

School are getting penalized for lower testing scores - due to illegal aliens who have little to no interest in learning this Nation's language, and whose social communities do not push them to.

95% of outstanding warrants for Violent crimes in (Los Angeles or California... missed that part) are for Illegal Aliens

65% of outstanding warrants for Homicides in (again, missed...) are for Illegal Aliens

Multiple Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (at one point a lot of these were virtually wiped out in the U.S. of A.) (California had 38,290 cases, 80% of which were found in people illegally here from Mexico or the Phillipines, and costs $250,000 - $1.5 Million PER PERSON TO CURE)



Hepatitis A

Kawasaki Disease (fun li'l disease that cause friggin' heart attacks in KIDS 5 AND UNDER!!!)

are ALL on the rise. (my apologies for the spotty info here... was driving had to make some short notes... I guess the good thing IS the stand still traffic...)

Soooooooooo.... still think that whole concept of ignoring the rules of Immigration is a Good Thing ? Our border security is important and Immigration Laws NEED to be enforced due not only to the above, but also because of terrorism concerns. Like many others out there, I will put blame for the next attack on U.S. soil squarely on the shoulders of the Open Borders crowd.

I will be updating this post when I find out more of what happened at the rest of the meeting tomorrow.

End Transmission...