Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Now Back To Our Regular Programming...

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Wow! Sorry for the extended absence. Had my last post saved in Draft Mode, and did not get back to it before.........


YES!!!!!! I have FINALLY made that leap from apartment living to Home Ownership. Woo-Hoo!!!!! Sooooo much stress is gone now, replaced by a much different stress!

Yay, Stress!

The Kiddoes are having tons o' fun with all of the new space, and The Wife is doing MUCH better now that she actually enjoys the place she lives in. Everything is moved in, apartment keys are turned in, appliances are all in place, utlilities are activated, and Life is Good...ish.

The one GLARING thing that is missing in my life is Internet access. Apparently, since we purchased a brand new home (1st owner of the house!), and we are one of the first people to move into the community, we are having to fight all of the battles of getting the Cable Companies, Water, Gas, Phone, etc., to even know of our existence.

We have most of that worked out, just need Phone, Cable (Sci-Fi Friday!), and Internet. Lemme tell you, no Internet = severe withdrawal symptoms + more difficult to Blog. And if we do not get Cable before January (which coincides with the start of Sci-Fi Friday), there will be hell to pay.

I still work in San Diego, and have family there, so I am still concerned with local SD goings-on, and will be posting about it. I do have some posts upcoming regarding several current events, so, time permitting, I will get to them.

Oh! Almost forgot! My Sixth Month Bloggiversary is coming up next week. Sweetness.

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Fun Stuff...

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Taking a break from the more serious stuff for this post before I have a Howard Dean Moment.

So... On to the fun!

First up, a new Quiz! Hooray quizzes (Quizzi, Quizzcti... some of you might get that reference) This one is the Which Action Hero Would You Be?

You scored as Maximus. After his family was murdered by the evil emperor Commodus, the great Roman general Maximus went into hiding to avoid Commodus's assassins. He became a gladiator, hoping to dominate the colosseum in order to one day get the chance of killing Commodus. Maximus is valiant, courageous, and dedicated. He wants nothing more than the chance to avenge his family, but his temper often gets the better of him.



Captain Jack Sparrow


William Wallace


Neo, the "One"


The Terminator


James Bond, Agent 007


Batman, the Dark Knight


The Amazing Spider-Man


El Zorro


Indiana Jones


Lara Croft


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with


Next up, from the "Set Phasers to Fun" catagorey, we have this entry from the United States Military Weapons Research Community. This device is impressive and all, but I want to see Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation devices punching holes through multiple (preferably armored) targets. Now THAT would be cool.

Now we ha-



Of Birthdays And Valour IT...

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Happy Birth Day to all United States Marines out there!

Looks like the Marines are at about $14,000 in the Valour IT Drive. There's still time to donate! The Army and Navy have already reached their goals, and set new ones. We can do this!

Also while cruisin' by SMASH's site, I found this:

Posted on Gunn Nutt

To celebrate the 230th anniversary of the Birth of the Corps, I will match all contributions made to the Marine Team on November 10th up to a total of $2,500. That's right, I'm puttin' my money where my big mouth is and committing to kicking in some major bling to make sure the Marines beat those other "support" services.

You give $5, I kick in $5. You give $500, I shell out $500. I'll keep matching the contributions until y'all have contributed a total of $2,500 which will be matched by my 2.5Gs.

Now THERE is some serious support!

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Weirdness. My sidebar is not showing properly in Internet Exploder, and the Valour IT Drive-o-Meter is not consistently displaying properly in Firefox.


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About Dang Time...

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Here we go! I am officially on board with the Marine Corps Team. Better late than never, I guess.

There is only a few days left in this Drive, and already, BlackFive (Army Team Leader) and SMASH (Navy Team Leader) are upping the ante.

Blackfive is "auctioning one month of advertising on Blackfive in the Sponsor (not Premium) category - $80 value. First bid is $25."

SMASH is offering "autographed, professional quality 8" x 10" headshot(s) of Mrs. Smash." in exchange for $25 donations.

Everyone realizes that there have been MANY worthwhile charity drives this recently, due to Mother Nature unleashing her fury. With this drive, even the smallest donation can play a HUGE part. Do what you can! And if financially impossible, then just spread the word!

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The Word Needs Gettin' Out...

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Just caught this over at Blackfive's place. Captain Chuck Z. has an important message that needs gettin' out. Per the orders barked out by the Paratrooper, here is a cut'n'paste of the pertinent info:

Publicity Stunt

Mkay... I dragged my drugged and temporarily one-handed body out of the hospital bed to tell ya'll about something most important.

Carren is gonna be on national TV (and live national TV at that) to let everyone know about Project Valour-IT. She will represent me (the nerd who thought of this project), and the many people who have made this project a success.

She is going to be on "Connected coast to coast" a show run by MSNBC. Don't know how long she'll be on, but for the love of god, please tune in, put your hands on the top of your TV, and talk to Jebus when the show is over. The show runs from 1200-1300 (noon to one fer ya civlians out there)(and that's eastern time) My beloved is supposed to be on around 1240, but I will rest assured that her looks, personality, and general charm will either get her on early, or the show will go into extra rounds like Rocky and the Big Ruskie in Rocky IV.

Here's how you can help. Send this to every one you know, post it on your blog, get them to post it on theirs. One side will say it's a failure of the gummint to not prvide this for the soldiers, others just see it as a way to help our brothers and sisters who have fallen but will be getting up. However they spin it, just get the word out.

There's less than 18 hours to game time, so let's get our blog on!


Like he sez, it does not matter if this is used to point at failures of Government or to successes of American Spirit... just get the word out!

On a side note, I have been lax in my duties of supporting a drive for this particular charity. I will be gettin' some flyers out and signing up on a "team" tonight... STAY TUNED!

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Point, Set, and Match...

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The San Diego Mayoral Debate was on tonight, viewed on San Diego Channel 4. The two candidates were Donna Frye and Jerry Sanders.

Keep an eye over at SMASH's new place. Hopefully SMASH was able to watch the debate and will be able to post his thoughts on it. He tends to have very well thought out descriptions and analysis of our local political scene, not the impulse type psuedo-writings that you will find here!

I only caught the second portion of the evening, which was the Community Forum. I thought that the event (what I saw of it) was extremely well put together. The MC (Hal Clements) kept BOTH candidates on a strict time schedule, and did offer both sides the opportunity to rebut statements made by the other. I thought that the reporters in the audience who were introducing the public as they asked questions was a good idea... but one that did not come off as well as it should, since they ALL seemed to be trying to crack jokes while giving thoughtful analysis to the questions BEFORE they were asked.

So... on to (what I saw) the debate!

Here's a mental picture that I want you to have:

On one side, a Girl Scout Troop. On the other, a Pro-NFL team. The event, a No-Holds-Barred fight to the death. Hehehehe... that's a funny mental image.

Mr. Sanders appeared to have a solid understanding of the main problems, a solution of what to do, and facts to back them up. He even gave a rather unpopular answer (basically saying that focusing the City Government's attention on building a new Library would have to wait while we fix the insane financial mess we are in), which he again backed up with facts. Ms. Frye... had a lot of woulda-coulda-shoulda, FEEEEEEEEELINGS, and "I have a plan".

From what I can tell, Mr. Sanders is the more qualified candidate of the two. He has a solid public record of fixing organizations / institutions that are in trouble (SDPD Chief, United Way, Red Cross). Ms. Frye is PART of the current problem (member of the City Council that has caused or futher exacerbated the problems), and has the same ol' "raise taxes across the board an' mebbe the problem will go away on its own" mindset.


It is sooooooo frustrating dealing with the Donna Frye type of people. The type of people that convince themselves of a certain "reality", and, when that "reality" is shattered, put their fingers in their ears, chanting "I'm not listening, I can't hear you! I'm not listening, I can't hear you! I'm not listening, I can't hear you! Satan is good, Satan is our pal!".

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