Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


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Blackfive has information on how you can help the family of one of our recently wounded Warriors (who also happens to be a MilBlogger).

This guy definitely has a healthy sense of humor, as portrayed here, here and here.

On a side note, if you live in San Diego, and want to help military families who might be in need, Homefront San Diego is a great organization to look into. Additional info here.

Additionally, our resident Froggy has links in the upper right of his site to some more groups that can help out.

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Weddings, Strange Rooms, and... Submarines?

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Well, it looks like we pulled it off. Took the kiddoes to a "No Kids Allowed" wedding. Good thing is, my Dad is an Alumni of the university where the wedding was held, and he was able to secure some on-campus housing that was about 200 yards away. So The Wife and I were able to do the "Tag-Team" thing, and trade off every 1 to 1.5 hours. Worked out amazingly well... much better than trying to get the kids to go to sleep in the scary new place.

So much for trying to get some good sleep. Packed up, checked out, and drove home. I am soooooo not putting my contacts in today.

Eyes = dried out.

Since the kiddoes did so well over all yesterday (considering they are only 2 and 1 yrs. old), they get to watch Star Wars this morning. Between that, and Veggie Tales, methinks they will turn out to be well-adjusted nerds.

So then I sit down and begin my morning rounds o' da Internet (© and ™ of Al Gore). Let us see what we have today:

The man who had an Attack Submarine named after him thinks we suck, Gitmo needs to be closed, and Iraq is an unjust cause. <-- For my thoughts on "unjust", go here.

If this stuff was really the work of Brit Intel divisions, then, HA! Sweet!! w00t! Why aren't WE doing this?!?!

Please pray for our Astronauts that they return safely, and hopefully NASA will consider upgrading our space vehicles.

Bubblehead (a former Submariner) has a neat pic up of his former life. (hat tip to Jack Army)

This post by Sarah of Trying to Grok brings up some very valid and interesting points about "Women in Combat".
(again, hat tip to Jack Army)

Matt of Froggy Ruminations has a post up about h
is recent attendance of the funeral of SEAL Petty Officer James E. Suh. Go read it. Now.

Then there is this little gem (tip o' da hat to Misha)about more of the stuff we deal with in Gal--ee-for--nya (Gov. style, yo!) on a regular basis. Grrrrrrr..... This is definitely one of my Hot-Button topics. You want to know how bad it is here?!?! During The Wife's pregnancy with our oldest, she started to have some complications, including bleeding... a lot. Took her to the ER at the local Hospital, and HAD TO WAIT BEHIND THE FIFTY-SOME-ODD ILLEGAL FRIGGIN' ALIENS WHO WERE THERE TO GET THEIR F'N COLD MEDICINE. Would not see us immediately. Obviously things turned out ok, though we were classified as High-Risk after that. Anger does not even BEGIN to describe my feelings towards these foreign invaders.


Time to take The kiddoes swimming and have some fun.

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California Living...

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Hooray for Aging Hippies and their "contributions" to our government, Laws, and societal expectations! You've done a "Bang-up" job, peeps! That is why we let guys like this back into general society, because, as you know, these types of people can be totally rehabilitated. Not only that, we get to have Prisoner Unions.

Let us not forget the Crime-Free Utopia we have formed by legislating our self-defense options to death.

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New Citizens...

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Michael Yon has a new post up about some recent additions to our citizenery... who obtained their citizenship while serving in the United States military in a combat zone. Check out the countries-of-origin and the age of some of these guys.

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Case in Point...

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Chris Muir's cartoon today is a "Case in Point" regarding my last few thoughts on Michael Yon's latest post.

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Friggin' Technology...

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Blah. Time entry no workie today. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with technology. Pays my bills and supplies my entertainment; however, causes me no end of frustration and grief (prolly should get out of the technology support career while I still can).

On the bright side, Raging_Dave linked me today! Welcome all RWWs!

To return the favor, please head over and read Dave's post about the new lows that Stuart Smalley and his ilk are at.

In other news, it seems that Sarahk managed to fight back being sick long enough to post her pics of the shuttle launch. Neat stuff.

HAH! The support team for my Time Entry stuff just picked up. Lessee if'n I gets paid.

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School, Dates, and Movies...

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First up, is ANYONE surprised by this? I especially love the ignorance of "
He created a war in Iraq...". Um... does anyone know what the meaning of a CEASE-FIRE is? What part of "temporary stoppage" do you ignorant hippies not understand?!?!?! We agreed to stop kicking Saddam's sorry rear IF, AND ONLY IF, he complied with the UN resolutions.

He. Did. Not.

Thusly, we "resumed" hostilities. Technically speaking, we are still at war with North Korea, as well.


ON TO HAPPIER THINGS!!! The Wife and I are headed out on a date tomorrow night, courtesy of one of my brothers and his GF. They agreed to watch Little Man and Tiny for us. Thinkin' we gonna catch the new Kurt Russell movie. While it is not quite his usual fare, this should be a fun movie that will help us relax.

Then, this weekend, we have my cousin's wedding. And then I start school again. I let too many things get in the way of school, and time is ticking away on this opportunity. I have a side-incentive thing going on with my local "Russian Mafia" (heh... he hates that) connection. He is definitely one of those friggin' borderline genius types, and he is going to take the same tests as me with only a week of study for each one. And he is definitely not a Mafia type, but hey, it is my blog an' I get to poke fun sometimes.

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Tour de Lance...

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w00t!! It is official: Lance Armstrong won his seventh Tour today.


Of course, there are still those that whine, like the French and some others. The link is a temp one, so I am going to place the entire article in here:

AFP: Suspicions remain as Armstrong concludes career
Sun Jul 24 2005 16:44:37 ET

The final Tour de France victory of Lance Armstrong has left a legacy which may takes years to beat, but France's AFP wire reports, Armstrong's domination of the race since 1999, 18 months after he had recovered from cancer, has always aroused suspicion.

In 2001 it emerged he had been working with notorious Italian sports doctor Michele Ferrari who was suspected in Italy of distributing and administering banned products to a number of top athletes.

Armstrong admitted his "periodic collaboration" with Ferrari, who last year was handed a one-year suspended sentence for sports fraud, but he stands firm behind the fact that he has never tested positive for any banned drugs.

After seven years of domination on the Tour, Armstrong's success for some is still an enigma.

Jalabert, who raced for the Spanish ONCE team and ended his career with CSC manager Bjarne Riis, claimed that some teams hold the magic formula to avoid being caught by the doping inspectors.

"Someone asked me, 'why is Armstrong and his team superior to all the others?'. I said, 'because they've got the recipe that works'.

"I don't want to go into all the medical details. All I'm saying is that people who watch cycling are not stupid."

Boyer feels that Armstrong, despite his seven Tour victories, has left some unconvinced.

"The doubt remains as to whether there's something hiding behind his success. A lot of people who work on the Tour feel something's not quite right.

"History shows us that we'll end up finding out in the end. My passion is cycling and I hope we find out that everything that Armstrong has achieved is the fruit of his hard work and his quality. Not the contrary.

"I hope we find out that we were wrong to have doubts."

Considering the "high ethical and integrity values" that some who are represented in this article have, I am certain that Armstrong is losing a lot of sleep over the comments.

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Two Year Olds, Activities... And Gender Roles???

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So, being a guy who thinks that the perfect activity for a child is learning how to disable an opponent's limbs through strategic nerve strikes, The Wife suggested that I think of some more normal activities. So, on to Google! Type in the following:

activites children two year old

and get (among more normal results):

Discovering Gender Roles Through Children's Story Telling

Which Dog Do You Feed?

The MOMS Club of San Jose

The last link there seems pretty interesting, especially since The Wife is a Stay-At-Home Mom. I'm looking to see if there is something similar in our area. All of our friends (there is a difference between Friends and Acquaintances) have moved out of town, and all of the family in town works most of the week. My Dad comes over once a week to help take the kiddoes swimming during the day. However, The Wife definitely needs more Adult Interaction while being able to have the kids do something.

The first two links are... interesting, and typical, to say the least. The first one deals with expaining gender roles and making them irrelevant to young children. Hooray for early tampering with natural order. If ya canna convince the adults, start twisting their children's thoughts from an early age.

The second, trys to extoll the virtues of never disciplining one's kids. Yah. That works wonders. Especially the part stated thusly:

When we redirect a child’s behaviour we ignore the misdeed, hence we do not feed it and yet help the child to then focus on more desirable behaviour and activity.

Um, ok... Anyone still confused as to why some idiots out there think that if we ignore the whole "the islamic terrorists want us dead" thing, that Peace and Happiness ™ will reign forever?!?!

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Major Haul...

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Former Special Forces soldier Michael Yon has a great report on a HUGE Islamic Terrorist weapons stash that was taken by US and Iraqi forces. Check out this snippet:

The sun finally began to rise and the soldiers started to tally the catch: 26 shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles, 28 complete mortar firing systems and nearly 1,500 “mortar bombs."

The soldiers carted away 26 rocket-propelled grenade launchers and several hundred rounds. Sixteen anti-tank mines modified with anti-personnel shrapnel were hidden in couches. Each of those mines could destroy a humvee. The soldiers call these modified mines "Birthday Cakes." There were dozens of assault weapons and machine guns, thousands of rounds of ammunition, night vision gear, one bayonet, chemical masks, and more. There was an ID card for an American soldier. And a sword that looked homemade.


Personally, I really enjoy a lot of this guy's posts. Having the background that he does, the unit that he "embeds" with actually lets him take a closer look, even in "Hot Zones". He also has some great pieces on the local Iraqi goings-on, non-military realated, that you will never get outta a MSM reporter that never leaves The Green Zone, and who reports on rumors as if they personally witnessed the events.

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Oooooh!!! Shiny...

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So I would venture to say that the main question should be... is there just too much "stuff" now? Does the site just look cluttered?


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"Captain, I'm givin' 'er all I got!"

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Obviously I have a slight penchant for most things Sci Fi. Thusly, it is a very sad day to learn of this (hat tip to FrankJ). The article does contain some info that I am certain a true Trekkie might know (I lean more towards the "Greedo dinna shoot first" crowd):

He was among the Canadian forces that landed on Juno Beach on D-Day. “The sea was rough,” he recalled. “We were more afraid of drowning than the Germans.”

The Canadians crossed a minefield laid for tanks; the soldiers weren’t heavy enough to detonate the bombs. At 11:30 that night, he was machine-gunned, taking six hits: one that took off his middle right finger (he managed to hide the missing finger on the screen), four in his leg and one in the chest. Fortunately the chest bullet was stopped by his silver cigarette case.

Wow. Never even had a clue.

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On Zealots And Body Armor...

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If you have not done so as of yet, go here to read an awesome story, and then go here to see it play out. Unbelievable. I think this one is my (only) favorite video shot by terrorists. You just know that, when translated, the transcript at the end reads something like this:

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! God is Great!! God is Great!!

Mensa Candidate #2: Uh... waitaminute...

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! God is Great!! God is Great!!

Mensa Candidate #2: Uh... um...

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! God is Great!! God is Great!!

Mensa Candidate #2: *taps Mensa Candidate #1 on the shoulder and points to the empty spot where moments before lay an American Soldier*

Mensa Candidate #1: God is Great!! He helped us strike the Infidel!! God is Great!! We... only... knocked... him... down... and nows he's taken cover and has spotted us...

Mensa Candidate #2: ...and he looks really angry... for an Infidel, of course...

Mensa Candidate #1: Uh-oh...

Yup. They were right, God IS great. HA!

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Waitaminutehere... Something's Not Right...

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Ok, so am I the only one saying Whiskey Tango Foxtrot in regards to this little item?!?! Contrary to the isolation bubble that most Americans live in, the REST of the planet works a li'l differently. In America, a person in a position of power can make a complete arse of themselves, declare all sorts of things, and everyone can rest assured that it's jes' another Moonbat barking at the moon. However, China has this little thing called Communism. Their particular Government has killed over 40,000,000 of its own people. That is almost as many as were killed in the entire Second World War (55,000,000). You canna be spoutin' off at press conferences without SEVERE reprecussions. If a Chinese General or Politician is saying anything, and it is not during a defection debriefing, you can be certain that it was given prior approval by their Government.

I realize that there are a lot of poeple that do not truly understand the fear people had during The Cold War. This is serious stuff. China has a habit of rattling their sabre; however, in light of our weakend internal resolve on most matters, they may be sensing weakness and trying to see how far they can push.

The major concern that I have is that when one goes to look at the front page of Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, there is nothing to be found. There is more concern about a lawyer possibly retiring than a major Nation threatening the use of its nuclear arsenal.

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DOH!!! That's What I Missed...

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Our Divinely Ordained Supreme Ruler celebrated his 3rd anniversary on Saturday. I paid tribute by smoking cigars and drinking whiskey from 0300 to 0900 hours.

Did YOU show yer gratitude to the Supreme Ruler?!?!?


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What Happened?!?! What'd I Miss?!?!

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Just got back from Las Vegas, where we "built houses for Habitat for Humanity with Jimmy Carter" for my cousin's bachelor party. It was a lot of fun; however, with that being said, I'm glad to be home with The Wife and the kiddoes.

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On Things Terror and Islamic...

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Well, the proverbial "it" happened again. This time, it was our wingman. One thing is for certain, the U.S. of A. is the ONLY nation that truly has sympathy and compassion for the Brits. The Frances, Germanys, and Spains of the world were ready to pick up their 9/11 act until they realized there was not thousands dead, merely tens (I say merely, only to bring light to what the results of this attack COULD have been).

Time for an analogy / story (I get a bit long winded, a la someone else, so grab a drink and settle on down in a comfy chair):


One day, America was standin' around with the usual peeps, doin' business, and hangin' out. Up walked this guy that seemed familiar. America extended his hand in greeting to this guy... and his head rocked back as this guy proceeded to sucker-punch America square in the nose! This was followed by a haymaker to America's jaw! Then a solid gut punch which knocked the air out of America.

America fell to his hands and knees, struggling for breath, nose bleeding, and stars dancing before his eyes.

Everyone watched as the guy proceeded to turn to them and gloat. They recognised him now... it was Al Queda, a low life thug who took claimed a religious justification for his dark deeds. Al Queda flipped open his switch blade, and began to brag about all of the terrible things that he was going to do to America... after he finished with America's sons and daughters, and all of America's friends. Several more thugs seperated themselves from the shadows, smirks on their faces, and joined in the show of bravado.

Everyone stood there and felt sorry for America. "Poor America... they are going to get hurt pretty badly... they might even die! How terrible." Secretly, several of them felt a twinge of satisfaction at seeing America knocked off of his pedestal. They all stood there, telling America how they felt sorry that these things were going to happen, and how they felt America's pain. And they continued to stand there... all but one.

Britain made his way over to his friend's side. Al Queda and his thugs saw this and warned him not to help America unless he wanted to share in America's fate. Britain ignored the threats, and helped his friend up, supporting him while he got his wind back. America's vision cleared, and, his head raising, his eyes took in the entire scene. He saw the false sympathy from his "friends". He saw Al Queda standing there, big SEG from ear to ear (SEG = s#!t-Eating Grin). He also noticed that some of the smaller guys, like Australia and Japan, had started forward to assist Britain with helping America.

America stepped forward, his composure regained, nose still bleeding, jaw sore. He looked at his true friends, and nodded his thanks towards them. He looked at the so-called friends, and said "You're either with us, or against us..." France and Germany shuddered as America's gaze passed over them. They could tell that America was deadly serious. Making a big production about how they were 100% behind America, they marched over and took positions on either side of America.

America then fixed his steely gaze upon Al Queda. A moment of doubt creeped across Al Queda's face, as he saw the seething cold fury in America's eyes. Shaking his head, Al Queda began to grin again, and remembered the last time America took a serious hit, he ran away.

"You won't touch me, Great Satan", Al Queda declared, "Besides, I have my friends here." Taliban and Saddam stepped out and joined Al Queda. Saddam was accompanied by his son and daughter, both of whom he had on a leash.

"Everyone stay out of this, this is between me and Al Queda", America said to Taliban and Saddam. Taliban walked right up to America, and shoved America backwards.

"What are you going to do about it, Great Satan?", Taliban asked. "We aren't gonna let you touch Al Queda... he's under our protection."

"He has threatened me, my family, and my friends with pain and even death. Do not stand in my way."

"Well, we ARE standing in your way, tough-guy... Whaddaya think about that?", questioned Taliban, pulling back his jacket to flash a pistol shoved into his waistband.

The corner of America's mouth curved ever so slightly upwards into a wry smile. Looking back at Britain, he said "Let's roll..."

The significance of those words slowly dawned upon Al Queda and his friends. Taliban reached for his pistol, while Al Queda lunged forward with his switchblade.

They never even saw what hit them, though surely it must have been a freight train that derailed. America and his crew waded into the middle of the thugs, connecting with each swing. America disarmed Taliban and pistol whipped him with his own gun. Al Queda lunged for America, intent on the kill. Britain and Australia dropped him in mid-lunge with a combined Rugby tackle. After 30 seconds of fighting, the remaining thugs dropped back. Looking around, America could not find Al Queda - he had disappeared. Taliban was laying on the ground, whimpering and bleeding.

The thugs had rallied behind Saddam, who stood there behind his children, with a gun pointed at his daughter's head.

"Let me go free, or I kill her!"

"You'd kill your own child?!"

Saddam smirked, "Why not? She is only one of many children."

"I won't let you do this", America said.

"Try and stop me, Cowboy."

America shrugged his shoulders.

"A'ight...", and raised the pistol he had taken from Taliban.

"NOOOO!!!", shouted France and Germany, leaping in between America and Saddam.

"There is no reason to do anything to Saddam", said France.

Germany chimed in, "Yeah, what'd he ever do to you... he dinna even fight just now."

"Are you two mental or something?! HE'S GOT A F'ING GUN TO THAT GIRL'S HEAD! And the second we turn our backs on him, he's gonna shoot us!", exclaimed America.

"We aren't going to let you hurt an innocent man, like our friend Saddam here", stated France, with Germany nodding his agreement.

"Christ!", swore America, raising the gun, "I don't have to put up with this crap.", and shot Saddam in the shoulder, knocking the gun away from the girl's head. France and Germany leaped to the side out of the line of fire, while Britain and the rest of America's friends carried the two kids to safety. The rest of the thugs charged America. First one, then another, and another thug dropped as America calmly shot each of them, firing until his gun was empty. Throwing down the gun, he waded back into the fray with his friends at his side. When the dust settled, the first group of thugs had been defeated; however, a second group stood staring silently at America.

"Double-yoo, Tee, Eff! Is this a f'ing video game `Congratulations, you've just defeated wave one'?! Whatever, Let's do this."

America and his friends readied themselves.

Suddenly Spain saw something out of the corner of his eye. Spinning around, he was just in time for Al Queda to clock him with his fist, breaking Spain's nose. Spain immediately fell to the ground, assuming the fetal position, clutching his nose and sobbing hysterically. Britain, having turned to face Al Queda, barely caught a glimpse of motion out of his periferal vision. Pulling his head back, one of the other thug's fist grazed his temple, knocking him slightly off balance. Recovering quickly, Britain turned to face his new attacker.

"Nobody tries to cold-cock me, ya bloody Wanker!"


Now, I don't mean to make light of everything that has happened since 9/11 by putting this in a story format. However, it is the easiest way to describe the interation between the various nations involved, as well as sum up in perspective what has happened so far.


It is way too late. I started writing this at midnight, and now it's almost 0200 h. Ok, blah. I'll post more later.

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No Pain, No Spain (and France, and US...)

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LOL!!! It is simply amazing how much Real Life(tm) reminds me of a game of Couter Strike. First, you have those that lose every time... in everything. Then you have the whiners that either complain the other guy is hacking, or that certain weapons should not be allowed. Then you have the guys that Flashbang their own team right at a chokepoint on the map. Then there are the guys that play a good game and get accused of cheating just because of their skills.

My question is:

Who do we blame for our failure to secure the bid?

Her? Or her? Or him? <---- (just 'cause)

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One of Those Days...

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You know those days where you have a definite gameplan / strategy on things that must / need to get done? You get yourself all motivated, set your sights on the goal...

...and then everything and everyone conspires to keep you from completing those goals.
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Happy Independence Day!

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Wow!! What a crazy past few days. Work became hectic, and The Wife and I are in the market for a house (finally!). We went cruising the various neighborhoods that we would consider moving to, just to get a feel for the pricing, as well as the people. We also lined up some lendors, and will be getting that process started tomorrow. Huzzah!

Today, we were kinda in a "blah" mood - even with today being the 4th of July. The Wife decided that she wanted to start scoping out furniture, so we headed to The Holy Land of Furniture Shopping - Miramar Rd. This same road parallels the Marine Corps Air Station base, so Old Glory was out in FORCE! After visiting our 6th or 7th shop, it was agreed that we were "Done". On the drive back home, heading north, it was decided that we should go to Sea World... which was many miles SOUTH of our position.

Great day to be had by all. Hopefully have some pics up soon. Everyone is super tired. I will write more on the trip later.


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Remember The Heroes...

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This Fourth of July (tm) weekend, take the time to remember and honor the men and women who have fought and died for our country. Fire up the grill, invite over friends and family, and celebrate the fact that despite the best efforts of those that would destroy us and our American Way of Life(c), we're still here to give 'em the finger.

So, to every American out there, have a safe and wonderful celebration of our Independance, and remember to keep that one fingered salute ready to fly for those that wish us ill.


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