Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Site Changes...

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Whaddaya'all think? I'm still not certain about the placement of the Day-by-Day comic yet. And how about the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat at the bottom?

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Ok, just because I post some SciFi writings of my own, it does not mean that people need to try to outdo me.


I keep waiting for Rod Serling to be standing around the corner, talking to a camera only he can see.

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"Give Me A Sensor Reading..."

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Transmission Start... Chicago pairing surveillance cameras with gunshot recognition systems: "In Chicago, police hope the gunshot detection systems will add momentum to a technology-fueled crackdown on guns and gang violence."

Because guns cause gang violence.

Overall, the technology looks friggin' cool. And some of the uses that they're stating for our troops would be good.

On the other close are we to this? Just sayin'.

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Proximity Alert...
Location: Maintenance Depot
Next Scheduled Technician... 1315 h
Raising Alert Level...

Power trickles through my memory banks and core, upping my awareness level. According to my internal atomic clock, it is 0400 h. I am running at 2.250000% power currently, in a limited awareness mode.

Someone, or something, has disturbed my "slumber".

ANDGates flip, and capacitors discharge their stored power, as I activate my IR and basic RADAR scanners, doing a cursory scan of my environment. The scan takes 0.000054 nano-seconds to complete. Such a long time is to be expected when not running at full combat awareness mode.

The garage is empty.

It is unusual for a machine such as myself to "awaken", as it were, even to such a limited level, without reason. After devoting a full 0.750000 seconds to the matter, I file this event away for future study. Re-routing power, I set my sub-routines to doing periodic scans of my immediate vicinity every 10.000000 seconds. I must return to my "resting" state, as I have been called upon by my new colleagues to fight alongside them. Mission start time is in T -2.500000 h.


"English Tay is fer da fishes..."

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The Wife and I are headed downtown tonight to hang with on of my brothers and his girlfriend. We've been "practicing" all week, having a beer a night. i know that doesn't sound like much; however, when The Wife (who is also the CFO and VP of Procurement) is preggers and/or breast feeding for nigh onto 2 years straight, she does not tend to purchase a lot of adult beverages. Only thing we have on our side is our Irish and Scottish ancestries. Hopefully that'll get us through. Thankfully, my folks have agreed to come over and watch Little Man and Tiny for us while we're out playing.

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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall..."

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Yet another problem that this man would be perfect for...

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This Is a Test...

Micro-burst Transmitter: Online
Sending SitRep...

Just testing to see if this works.

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Synopsis Time...

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Quick linky time. Partly feeling like a lazy poster today, partly because I'm swamped at the Gee-Oh-Bee (gob/job). Best way is to repost links from Drudge. Ha!

First, The Rovinator points out the obvious, which makes the DNC "leadership" (lol) assume the fetal position and start sobbing hysterically.

Next, France is about to have an average Southern California Summer Day (tm). Expect mass casualties due to their superior health care, social programs, and families that take care of their elderly.

The Supreme Court has decided that Sci-Fi movies depicting totalitarian regimes that ignore property rights was sucha a cool idea, that they will start implementing it immediately.

And finally, some current trends have the racists peeing their pants. ROFLMAO!!! Pobre racists...

Now I'm off to fix the Boss-Man's home compy. Does that make me an apple polisher?

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New Rig...

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Ok, so The Wife's compy is working 100% and I was FINALLY able to get mine to work. Turns out it was my DVD player.

Go figure.

Weirdest thing was, it was acting like either an insufficient power issue, or bad RAM. And looking back, I have had these types of problems before. And that drive is the only thing conistent through all of it. So I grabbed The Wife's CD-RW (she was upgraded to a DVD-R Dual Layer... w00t!) and am using that. System works like a friggin' champ.

Working on reinstalling my apps, and getting back to norm. Prolly should wrap this up soon an' git mahse'f to bed, 'afore The Wife kicks my arse.

Heheh... funny thing about life. Ya grow up, an' yer parents harp on ya about gettin' ta bed on time - ya turn 18 and stay out all night partying and hangin' wit' friends - then ya get married an' yer spouse harps on ya about gettin' ta bed on time. Talk about a circular journey.

On a side note, a friend of mine has a new blog / forum up. It's a place for people to air out their biggest screwups. Just be careful what you ost if anything... this IS the Internet* and info travels fast. Especially info that ya don't want too many people knowing.

*The Internet, websites, and The World Wide Web are all copyright owned and trademarked by Al Gore, who invented The Internet, and his colleague God, who, after hearing Gore's idea, said, "Sounds good to me."

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On Sedition and Treason...

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Ya know, all of those people who are against what we are accomplishing in Iraq and Afgahnistan, like to point to World War II as the type of "Just" war that they would support. However, those exact same people would have been the ones saying that Hitler never posed a threat, and that the freedom of people was not worth the human cost. As I mentioned before, we are repeating history.

One thing that has consistently bothered me is the major differences between the way the U.S. of A. handled miscreants during that war, as compared to this one. Back then, the Government was not afraid to enforce laws that existed to protect our Nation, our Soldiers, and our Citizens from internal enemies. Of course, the general populace has to keep a close eye on such proceedings, so that the Government does not take advantage of it.

I realize that the majority of our politicians lack any backbone to stand up to Friggin' Hippies (tm) who claim the 1st Amendment and such; however, there are CURRENT laws that deal with the SEDITIOUS and TREASONOUS behaviour, which are especially applicable when regarding our Armed Forces during a WAR. Laws just like these (I think they've changed somewhat) were used against people who were doing and saying the same things that the Lefties are doing and saying today.

"Ah-Hah! Yer one of those Brown-Shirt Thugs that wants to suppress my 1st Amendment right!"

Uh... no. I'm just tired of the Enemies of America (yes I just said an Enemy of the U.S. of A.) actively trying to bring this Nation down from the inside. It is one thing to speak your mind and disagree with a person, group of people, or an Administration. It is something else entirely to work against our country, to which you are a citizen, with active and known enemies. "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is not just a partisan slur. It is a legitimate and accurate account of what we are seeing today.

Also, for the record, stop calling Conservatives Nazis.

Nazi = National Socialist = Progressive = Liberal = youfigureitout.

Blah... ranting makes me something something...

Gotta Jet-like-Li and finish fixing the Wife's compy.

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Been busy since Saturday. First was Little Man's B-Day, then was Father's Day, then was "Let's Upgrade The Computers" Day (Monday). The Birthday Party was way fun.

Father's Day we went to the Del Mar Fair (officials changed the name to the San Diego County Fair... it's been the DMF since I was little, and that's what everyone knows it as). We viewed the various wares that vendors had there, were extolled on the virtues of some miracle remedies by Jamaican Sales-women, I was in a Kung-Fu fight that I lost / won (Chinese Back Massage - HIGHLY recommended), rode the Carousel with Little Man (twice!), went on a Virtual Adventure (LM barely made height reqs on that one), purchased over-priced food, and generally had a Good Time (tm).

Then there was yesterday. Finally figured out what the extra money in our account was... It was a partial repayment by the Government of that Interest Free Loan that I funded them all of last year, minus what they stole. Hooray for my generousity!

So The Wife and I decided that now would be a good time to upgrade the compys. We had talked about it for a while before this, and done some research. I was all set to order things online; however, we decided to run down to Fry's and see what they had in stock and what their pricing was. Ended up being pretty close to what I found online, and they had almost all of the components that I wanted. I compromised (in the wrong direction... went higher quality) on the video card and the RAM, but it all worked out.

And to top it all off, we ran into The Wife's Ex... who just happens to work there.


We survived that encounter with no incident, payed for everything and left before commen sense / buyer's remorse could set in. I have not spent that much money in one shot (wedding / engagement ring doesn't count) since '97. Ouch.

Stayed up all friggin' night getting The Wife's system up and running. Only original parts from her old system was the Power supply, Case, and LCD Monitor. COMPLETE rebuild. MoBo was a bit tricky, it had a certain way it wanted to be set up for the first time, and it took a while combing the message boards to figure it out.

So her system is now up and runnin', and tonight's mission is to rebuild my system. Hooray Computers!! ('Tis a Love / Hate relationship that I have with them... pays my bills, but they cause me no end of grief)

In other news, FrankJ. reports that there is some criticism of the way The Alliance handles linking... I wonder if that concept really works as well as they are indicating that it does.

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It's a Birthday and a Blogiversary!!

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Little Man (my oldest son) turned a whopping 2 years old today! Coincidentally, Blackfive is celebrating his 2nd Blogiversary today! Huzzah! (Sorry, Blackfive, that's all the mention you get today...)

Had the family get together over at my parents place. My poor Dad. The second that my Mom had confirmed with The Wife that the party was going to be over at their place, she gave my Dad a list a mile long of stuff that had to be done. And he did A LOT. It was a super fun day, and their house looked great (my Dad is one of those people who never gets rid of stuff, and aquires other stuff "just in case there is a need for it"... that was one section of my Mom's list for him). We arrived early and set up the shade and got the meat (The Wife went agro and bought 21 lbs. of it) grillin'. Both of my brothers showed (one with the gf... soon to be wife????), The Wife's sister and Aunt, and my Grandparents with my cousin from Back East. Fun to be had by all.

Biggest hit of the day was a water play table that my Mom picked up. Both Little Man and Tiny (youngest son - 10 month old) played in that forever. Overall a very relaxing day with good company. Little Man came away with lots of new clothes and toys.

And now he is completely zonked out, and hopefully Tiny will follow suit soon.

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This Just In...

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Drudge is reporting that Nancy Reagan fell and was taken to a hospital during her visit in London today. Falls for people at her age are not good. Keep her in your hearts and prayers.

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It is amazing how much having kids changes your viewpoint on a great many things. It is equally as amazing how much they can affect one's life BEFORE they even exist. I remember a few months back talking to my buddy who "got hitched", and making sure that he had actually discussed with his bride-to-be what his and her expectations were regarding children. I have seen marriages deteriorate to the point of divorce simply because the subject of kids was never brought up when they were dating / engaged, and both people had markedly different approaches that were not acceptable to the other. I remember that fairly early into my relationship with The Wife, I began testing the waters and getting her thoughts on kiddoes.

The one thing that made me pay more attention to what exactly is going on in this messed up world was thinking of the future that my kids will be in. I used to not even care about pretty much anything outside of my own little realm. I never voted until I married. I would listen to what the news told me, especially CNN, and take it as truth, with no questioning of the logic (or lack thereof) and no further research. Now I can not look at pretty much any news worthy event without thinking how this might possibly affect Little Man and Tiny.

Watching TV and movies is REALLY different now. Wow. I was watching one of those "World's Wildest Police / Amazing Videos" shows, and they had a clip about some psycho with a butcher cleaver taking a kid hostage. Then there was a movie (don't remember which one) where the main antagonist kidnaps a baby. Both instances, my body ramped up and my mind cleared to focus on the two "bad guys". The adreneline rush felt about two to three times of what I used to get from back in my fightin' days going for the championships. All because of something on TV. Both times it took me a long while to calm down.

Then there is when they get hurt. Talk about Super Speed. I remember one time at a tournament, the son of the Chief Judge (who was also the Host of the tournament), slipped in the middle of the fight onto the concrete floor. The other fighter went to go help him out (we all had a certain camaraderie outside of the ring... in the ring "I've never seen that guy before"). Unfortunately for him, the Judge thought he was continuing his attack, charged him, and knocked him back onto the ground. Fortunately for both (legally for the Judge, physically for the other fighter), that's all he did. At the time, I thought he overreacted. Looking back, I can see how he mis-interpreted the situation; however, since it was a controlled environment, I still think his intervention could have been handled differently. Looking back at my previous statement of rage when kids (especially your own) are in danger, let me qualify that by adding "defenseless". In a consensual situation such as a tournament, when the participants are basically adults, it is a different situation.

Blah. Me ramble mucho.

I get all riled up when I read pieces such as this. This one is old, but is a case in point. Then there is this. I just had to vent.

Update: Oh yeah... this one. And yet another. I defy you to look at that picture after reading that article and not become enraged beyond belief (I believe Kim du Toit calls it RCOB or The Machine as explained by Doc Russia).

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Educating The Intelligentsia...

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It seems that SMASH is... slightly perturbed.

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I Sleep All Night and I Work All Day...

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Ugh. No me likey "All-Nighters". However, dems da breaks. Of course, if we were properly staffed, and allowed to operate outside of "Micromanagement Mode", nights like this would be fewer, if any at all. So here I am, 0130 hours, working two projects, and rebuilding a server. Yay me. Don't get me wrong, my local management team is actually one of the better leadership structures that I have had an opportunity to work with. It's the guys further up the food chain that make the majority of the stress and emergencies around here. My local management has fought for us pretty hard, and has made some progress. I am afraid to ask them for much more, though, as I'd rather CONTINUE having them as managers, and not see them looking for employment.

As I said, "Ugh."

The real question is, can I feasibly leave this job, and go back to my true passion.

BTW, anyone dealt with those guys at that link before? I've seen too many of those types of "shops" come and go, and seen too many people waste their money on the so called "programs", ultimately losing their schools... Though they do have Kathy Long and Joe Lewis on board.... hmmmmm

Please note that I am allowed the freedom to have this "poor-me" session because of the efforts of people who sacrifice more than I do. God Bless them all.

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"Becoming Our Enemy..."

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Matt over at Froggy Remunations has an interesting piece with some great links regarding Perceived torture and atrocities versus the real thing.

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I Apologise...

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To everyone not from California, I apologise to you. First OJ, then there was Ryan Leaf, and now... Michael Jackson.


Favorite part is the juror who thinks that he probably IS a child molestor... and voted to set him free. Well, I guess I canna blame just those jurors. The prosecutor was a joke.

*shakes fist at incompetent prosecutors*

SarahK from Mountaineer Musings has another great juror response.

In other news... The Wife laughed at me when I showed her this link. Curses.

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What have I Done?!

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Ok, The Wife was upset about stuff she saw on TV this morning, and was complaining about it. She then said "Post about it on your blog." I said, "I'll just add ya to the list of contributors..."

Remember that story about Pandora's box?

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In Other News...

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Seems that the Baby-Eating Rapist's career might be over. About time. We need guys with better technique, more honor, and more integrity, to be fighting. I'm gettin' tired of all of these thugs and degenerates that we are finding in our sports today.

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W-w-w-w-e-e-e-l-l-l-come to Cali-i-i-i-i-f-f-f-orn-n-n-n-ia...

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It has to be the same everywhere. Whatever local Nature Event is prevelent goes pretty unnoticed by the locals. We just had a Magnitude 5.5 earthquake out in the desert on the San jacinto Faultline. That big of an earthquake is easily felt where I am. People have reported feeling it in Los Angeles and San Diego. I was just putting my contacts in, and The Wife and kiddoes were out front snuggling and watching a movie. We both gave it a second, and decided that it wasn't too big, and the building wasn't gonna crumble around us.

Hehehe... I'm gonna have some fun with the new guy at work. He's from Wisconsin. >:-)

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One Down, One to Go...

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My buddy done went an' got himself hitched today. It was a great wedding. Beautiful bride and a groom who didn't pass out... always makes for a good start! This was the first wedding that The Wife (tm) and I took the kiddoes to. They did great, especially considering that the oldest is two years old, and the youngest is ten months. The kiddoes are pretty worn out, and so are we. First wedding of the Summer done!

Next one will be my cousin's (game designer - here is one of the games he did some design for). The Wife (tm) will be going to the Bridal shower, an' me an' da guys will be taking my cousin to Las Vegas to "Build houses with Habitat for Humanity" *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink* *Anod'sasgoodasawinktoablindbat* *KnowwhatImeanSaynomore*

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Please, God! We've Been Good!

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Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease... Please let this guy be another Limey! Even though he had a weak start, there is hope!

I was going to post on this when the second letter came in, but, I'm lazy. Bad Blogger! No Soup for you!

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Oh, you must be right...

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I always love it when a someone starts off by saying that they're conservative / Republican / Independant, and then proceeds to regurgitate Liberal, defeatist, Commie, etc., talking points regarding whatever the topic we are discussing is about. I especially love the whole "pull out now" / losing control / "no plan" thing, in regards to Iraq. They take this route to put you on the defensive because "We're the same here, but we've been fed a lie!" They then try to free us from the shackles of ignorance by talking circles around logic and fact.

Being of a more rational mindset, and actually PRACTICING tolerance / respect instead of just PREACHING it, we end up feeling like Peter Gibbons talking to Bill Lumbergh.


I do find myself having less and less patience for this kind of B.S.

Oh, and my wife ditched WoW and is going back to SWG. Looks like it's back to being a Wookie for me. I hear they get to wear armor now...

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Looks like I am finally not just talking to air! GM of GM's Corner & Woody Too! stopped by and commented. My brothers have stopped by (and NOT commented *shakes fist*). And I received an email from someone Super Special (tm), who hopefully will be announcing me as a blogchild! I will announce who it is if they give me their blessings.


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It's Risky Business, Having an Opinion.

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Looks like yet another blogger was on the receiving end of "tolerant" people. Looks like they used the "inappropriate and unauthorized use of ... computing resources" clause that most companies make their employees agree to in their employee handbook. I'm pretty sure mine did , too... Hooray for living on the edge! Biggest problem most companies face is that if an employee challenges the termination, usually that individual has been singled out, because several known instances can be found occurring at the same place, with no administrative action taken. Also, employers will usually not terminate first, unless something illegal was taking place (file swapping, bootlegging company software, etc.).

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Bass Ackwards Europeans

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When I was young, I remember we found a rattlesnake in our backyard (one of many times). Mind you, I didn't live out in the Boonies (at the time - Heh). I lived in North San Diego County, on the coast. It was scary, especially because I was mebbe six, mebbe seven, years old. Who do you think my brothers and I called to deal with it?

My Dad.


'Cause everyone knows that Dad is a living, breathing, juggernaught, capable of crushing anything that even hints at being a potential threat to family. He is John Wayne, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvestor Stallone, Hulk Hogan, and Hercules, all rolled into one physical being.

Well, that's about to change if Europe has anything to say about it. You know what? Europe can keep the helpless look, it's what they're good at, anyway. American Women have spoken, and it looks like men of the USA are here to stay.

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WoW: BG Impressions

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Hmmmm.... Well, apparently Gabe and Tycho of PA fame are not too insanely thrilled with the new Battlegrounds feature of World of Warcraft. Tycho got fed up with waiting to get in, and Gabe thought it was going to be more of what one would find in more traditional CTF as far as time allowed in (meaning: until you get tired of it and either log-off or leave the BG instance). I might try to log in tonight to try it out. Been almost two weeks since I played last, due to kids, work, and - now - blogging.

Of course, this might be a good time to try to convince The Wife to re-install City of Heroes again. I have been curious as to how the latest issue "Colosseum" has changed things. Been thinkin' of firing ol' Unit 76 up to do some PvP when City of Villians comes out.

I'va also been hearing some good things re: Star Wars Galaxies and some recent changes...


I'll just stick to WoW or CoH. Those have been the best as far as pure fun factor and instant gratification, as far as a MMO game goes.

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This just in...

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FrankJ.'s Ronin Hordes have defeated my ninja army of kung-fu trained monkeys in an Epic Battle, so there will be no The Funny (tm).

These people want to keep local law enforcement and people with Carry Permits from excercising their 2nd amendment rights. Ya know, those people seem to have forgotten a semi-important person by the name of Admiral Yamamoto. His response to a suggestion of invading the US of A, “You cannot invade America. There is a rifle behind every blade of grass.” The old British Empire learned this one the hard way. Then they went down the exact same path that these "Gun Control" people are headed.

Look where they are now.

Okies, time to step away from da compy fer a bit, youngest kiddo is being cute / annoying Mommy. Heh... Dad to the rescue!

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If They're so Much Smarter Than Us...

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So, apparently, it is a "shocking" revelation that Howard Dean is scaring away DNC donors.

Hmmm..... I wonder why that is. Might have something to do with the mental stability of the guy.

In other news, it seems that the Mensa Candidate, Sir Frenchy Peacebringer, that was going to replace Chimpy-Mc-Evil-Warmonger, dinna done do good on him there coal-adge book larnin'. Good thing he's so smarty-pants. He will be seeking to impeach The President based on a "
memo simply contains the impressions of an aide of the impressions of British-cabinet officials of the impressions of unnamed people they spoke to in the United States about what they thought the president was thinking." (From NRO via Tim at 4RWWS) Wow... imagine waking up one day to realize that Al-Jazeera is putting you on a pedestal as the embodiment of Justice and a Champion of Good.

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And Now for Something Completely Different...

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These people are looking for a particular kind of female sportscaster. Should be interesting.

Almost as interesting as this and this from last year. Hehehe... kinda like having yer own Mini-Cold War Re-enactment. Only prob being the $40k in operational costs for every two - three hours flight time. Per aircraft. Per day. Of course, dropping that kind of scratch is pocket change on a jet that cost several million plus lawsuit fees fighting with the Government.

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It seems that Citizen Smash and the mighty FrankJ. had an interesting conference call today...

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No Soup for You!

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Lol!!! Simply awesome.

Moving from birds onto things more... aquatic. Of course, we can be certain that this device can never be used by OBL's crew or Lefties, since it is the brainchild of a Jooooooooooo and thus part of an evil Zionist conspiracy to usurp the rule of Aquaman.

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The Reality of Spyware/Adware

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Blah. All I wanted to do was eat my breakfast. Now, it's 2.5 hours after buying the damn thing, and I STILL haven't touched it. All because of friggin' Spyware. Ya know, these arses that make these programs ought to be shot. Think I'm making a big deal out of a tiny thing? Take the following analogy:

You walk down the street of your neighborhood. Some o' da local kiddoes have a lemonade (Lay-Moe-Nah-Day, as my wife would say, but that's a different story) stand up, and trying their best to be good li'l entrepreneurs, ask if you would like to purchase a glass.

You say No, Thank you.

They do the kid thing and say "Plleeeeeeeeaasssee? We are trying to raise money for... a field trip!"

You say "mebbe later, kids."

Next thing you know, one of them is stuffing a flyer for their lemonade stand in your pocket.


From behind you, their older brother jumps onto your back and starts screaming "BUY THEIR LEMONADE!! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!!!!"

Freaking out, you get the kid off yer back, and make a break for home...

They've put 10' x 10' signage on yer front lawn, extolling the virtues of their lemonade. Making claims that it will cure baldness, make you rich while you stay at home if you drink it 20 times a week, and enhance male performance as well!


You reach for your cell phone, and they've hacked into it, changing the background into a dancing Lemonade Glass, and the only sounds coming out of it are chants to buy lemonade.

Dashing across the front lawn, you dive through yer door, slamming it shut behind you.

What the f-?!?!?!

Lemonade stand wallpaper has been placed on yer walls, the furniture has been made to fit a lemonade theme, and the extended family of the kids are in your house berating you for not buying.

Suddenly, they pull out crowbars and baseball bats, and start smashing your walls, windows, and personal effects.


How long do you think it would take the cops to lock up the whole bunch of crazies? Blah.

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One More Thing

Secure Communication Request Sent
Awaiting Response From CENTCOM...


Response Received - Switching to Encrypted Mode Channel


Transmission Start...

Oh yah... I don't normally like all black or all white websites; however, I wanted to keep it simple to start, and all white was killing my eyes. I'll hopefully get around to making my own site rather than using this template.

End Transmission...

Systems Status Check

Secure Communication Request Sent
Awaiting Response From CENTCOM...


Response Received - Switching to Encrypted Mode Channel


Transmission Start...

Dunno what possessed me to do this. But it is done... whatever this is. We'll just say that "it" was born out of insomnia-beer-boredom. Let us see if I continue this past this initial post. Just to give you a "Heads Up!" on what to expect here, please see the following list:

\begin list
Random Thoughts (Greedo NEVER shot first!)

Some Politics

The Funny (tm) (once I've sent my ninja army of kung-fu trained monkeys to steal it from Frank J.)

California Stuff (or Gal-eh-forn-niah, as our Gov. puts it)

Mebbe some half-arsed attempts at writing short-stories and such.
/end list

That's it fer now. Gonna head off to bed. Several large projects at work, and a wife who's gonna kill me if she wakes up and discovers I haven't gone to bed yet.

End Transmission...