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Blah. All I wanted to do was eat my breakfast. Now, it's 2.5 hours after buying the damn thing, and I STILL haven't touched it. All because of friggin' Spyware. Ya know, these arses that make these programs ought to be shot. Think I'm making a big deal out of a tiny thing? Take the following analogy:
You walk down the street of your neighborhood. Some o' da local kiddoes have a lemonade (Lay-Moe-Nah-Day, as my wife would say, but that's a different story) stand up, and trying their best to be good li'l entrepreneurs, ask if you would like to purchase a glass.
You say No, Thank you.
They do the kid thing and say "Plleeeeeeeeaasssee? We are trying to raise money for... a field trip!"
You say "mebbe later, kids."
Next thing you know, one of them is stuffing a flyer for their lemonade stand in your pocket.
From behind you, their older brother jumps onto your back and starts screaming "BUY THEIR LEMONADE!! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!!!!"
Freaking out, you get the kid off yer back, and make a break for home...
They've put 10' x 10' signage on yer front lawn, extolling the virtues of their lemonade. Making claims that it will cure baldness, make you rich while you stay at home if you drink it 20 times a week, and enhance male performance as well!
You reach for your cell phone, and they've hacked into it, changing the background into a dancing Lemonade Glass, and the only sounds coming out of it are chants to buy lemonade.
Dashing across the front lawn, you dive through yer door, slamming it shut behind you.
What the f-?!?!?!
Lemonade stand wallpaper has been placed on yer walls, the furniture has been made to fit a lemonade theme, and the extended family of the kids are in your house berating you for not buying.
Suddenly, they pull out crowbars and baseball bats, and start smashing your walls, windows, and personal effects.
How long do you think it would take the cops to lock up the whole bunch of crazies? Blah.
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