Day By Day© by Chris Muir.


Yon Does It Again...

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If you have not done so already, make your way over to Michael Yon's place. He has his latest dispatch up, and it is one hell of a read. Edge-of-your-seat-are-they-gonna-make-it REAL LIFE STUFF for our Armed Forces Personnel that are in Iraq right now. It involves car chases, sniper attacks, ambushes, Hand-to-Hand Combat, and almost getting kicked outta the unit. Note that he is embedded with a unit that is stationed in one of the more active areas of Terrorist activity.

Not all of his stuff is about the violence. This one is a great one about new LEGAL Immigrants becoming American Citizens. And this one shows how life is for about 90% of Iraqis.

If you enjoy reading his work, try making a donation to him, since he is NOT supported by some news agency; he is there on his dime, trying to tell the rest of the world what the MSM will not. And he covers everything, from our screwups, to our victories, and everything inbetween (well, whatever he can that does not violate OPSEC).

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Do I Question Your What?

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"Are you questioning my patriotism?!?!?!?!??!?!"

That is usually the statement from a Democrat Senator/Congressman or an Anti-war advocate when they are caught cheering for America's defeat in the GWOT. It is so petty and disgusting how every loss we suffer as a Nation, they celebrate for being "right about it" in their minds.

Wanna know something?


You may have defined Patriotism as patriotism (meaning that to be patriotic, you have to disagree with a Republican); however, I still believe in Patriotism the Old-School way. Patriotism is standing for your Country. Sacrificing your comfort, your livelihood... some part of you, towards the betterment of this Nation. patriotism is something you claim when trying to shut someone up who caught you being a defeatist (and, yes, for those of you who need it explained, the capital "P"atriotism is the real thing, the lower case "p"atriotism is Hillary Clinton's definition).

What might have gotten me so riled, you may ask? Things have been building up for a while. Endless news-clips of said Senators, et al., then I hear Cindy Sheehan speak the words "Freedom Fighters" to describe the terrorists that are killing people in Iraq (one of whom was her son, and no, I will not retract that for being a cheap shot... she put herself in the spotlight, and once she turned things political, she lost all rights to privacy and respect), and then this:

Wed Aug 2005 24 21:20:05 ET

Anti-war protestors besieged wounded and disabled soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C, a new web report will claim! is planning to run an expose on Thursday featuring interviews with both protestors and veterans, as well as shots of protest signs with slogans like “Maimed for a Lie.”

The conservative outlet will post video evidence of the wounded veterans being taunted by protesters, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Ya know... the funny thing about these damn peaceniks, is that they call those of us who support the War and the troops Nazis and such. They think that we are un-patriotic ('cause we are!! We are Patriotic, Mensa! See above). Well, I seem to remember reading about similar wording about the progress of the war, the quagmire, how we should just leave, how we brought this on ourselves.

Except, I am not talking about today. I am talking about the Appeasers of World War II, who used the EXACT SAME RETHORIC back then. Only, back then, Americans recognized it for what it was... sedition and generally UN-patriotic behaviour (there's that damn UN again...).

I was watching an old movie the other day. It was Cary Grant day on one of the TV stations. It was Destination Tokyo (which had followed the obligatory Operation Petticoat). At one point, an unexploded piece of Japanese ordnance ( <--man that spelling looks weird... but it's right) gets lodged into the upper deck of the sub. They get it out, and Grant's character shows it to the crew:

"See that stamp there? Made in the USA. You can thank the Appeasers for that."

Then there's this little gem over at LGF (H/T to Tim at 4RWWS).

Wow. Hollywood ACTUALLY calling these people to the mat for their beliefs and actions. That is definitely something that you will not see these days.

Ugh... I used to be a much more mellow person. Back when I used to teach... Martial Arts. Funny how that works.

Enough of the angry! Today (I need to get to bed, yikes!) is Tiny's B-day! Our li'l Tank is now One year old! w00t! Posting of happy children soon to follow.

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Um, ok. So, one day I was playing CoH. I made this character. I was trying to think of a cool robot / cyborg / android sounding name. Thus was Unit 76, a Marine Corps production model bipedal tank concept designated a Superior Weapons and Armor Mobile Platform: Assault Class, created.


I grew to like it better as a gaming handle than my previous one. It was short, and simple. And when people typed out "Unit" in game, I was fairly certain that they were talking to me.

Going through my Site Meter results, I come across a nifty little way to find me:

Do a Google search on unit76 serious crime

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

So I did a li'l searching, and apparently I am as capable of original thought as a Hollywood Producer coming up with "new" movie ideas.


A page about High-Quality Rap(pers)
A lesson on the IBM Convention when programming in PASCAL
Some British Band
A spare TV BUTT (Arwoo?!?!)

Now, I ask you... who is gonna quake in cyber fear at the site of a SPARE TV BUTT driving a tank at them?!?!

I need a Guinness.

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Around The Blogosphere...

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It is the weekend, and looks like the big dawgs are holding open trackback posts! Go stop by and support each one by checking out the trackbacks people have left. You might find a new daily read.

Partisan Muster by Jack Army

Carnival of Trackbacks by Wizbang

Weekend Brunch by Basil

Liberty Call by SMASH

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MilBlogger Back On His Feet...

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Great news from Chuck Z over at TCOverride: he has been discharged from the hospital! Check out his pics. He also recounts a recent inspirational experience he had over at the Pentagon... You know, for such an Evil Administration, the Rumsfields and Bushs have more compassion and respect in their hearts than most people would assume at first blush. I wonder if President Clinton or Former Vice President Al Gore even remembers the names of the guys that they sent into harm's way. Make certain to stop by and wish the Captain well!

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Liberty Call...

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SMASH has a Liberty Call post up today. And it looks like Jack Army will be having a similar event this weekend with his Partisans Muster. It is awesome that guys with blogs that big take some time and their bandwidth to help promote us smaller guys. Even if they do not neccessarily agree with all of their posters, they have at least made a known public forum available for use. Let me ask you, how often do you see CNN promoting Fox News? How about the opposite? The MSM is losing ground quickly in this new digital info age, and that ground is being aquired rapidly by the Blogosphere.

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Where Was I...

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(This is my third post in a series. Previous two are here and here.)

Oh, yeah. I remember now.

So those pics are the scene outside of the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center last Thursday (08/11/05). Interesting to note that this is a brand new facility and the very first event it has ever held is this one! There was one incident of attempted violence when some of the "peace" / open borders crowd chased down someone before the police could extract the guy.

Yah, we're the Jackboot Brownshirts.

The local papers gave the event ok coverage. See what they had to say here and here.

Local Talk Show host Rick Roberts (who is big on exposing the Illegal Immigration problem) was basically calling this event a worthless display. His reasoning was that it was just talk by people whose feelings on Illegal Immigration are well known. His frustration was that these people are heavy hitters that should be DOING something rather than just talking. I agree with that analysis to a point. However, I disagree with the assumption that meetings like this are pointless / worthless. It is EXACTLY these types of meetings with similar turnouts that we need. Politicians respond to one thing more than anything else... even money.


Even though it does not seem like it most of the time, when we get together in large enough groups, multiple times, and in multiple areas, they tend to get the point. Look at what happened to Karl Rove during last years election when President Bush announced his "Guest Worker Program". The Republican base voiced such strong disapproval, that the senators and congressmen were begging Rove to convince the President to drop the whole concept. These guys were fearing for their very jobs. This is probably the only good thing about having professional politicians. If we have more of these town-hall event forums regarding Illegal Immigration, we should see some of the Talkers in government actually DOING something about fixing the issue, since they will realize that they WILL lose their jobs if they continue to do nothing. Plus, not everyone is as in tune to this issue, especially those not in the Southern Border States. However, just because you do not live in California, Texas, or Arizona, do not think that this issue does not effect you. The current tactic for Illegals is to get in to a Border State, then make for an interior State ASAP, since people / the Feds are not looking for them there. Please also note that Illegal Aliens are NOT just Mexican Nationals. They are:







Eastern Europeans

Please note that this is only a partial list of the nationalities of the people coming across our borders on an almost daily basis. And not all of them "just want to work to feed their families". Some of these people do have ill intentions for ANY American, just for that simple fact that you ARE an American, so therefore YOU MUST DIE. It does not matter if you "don't support this administration / war / blahblahblah".

OK, I gotta get back to paying attention to this class I am taking. I hope this info helps some out there.

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SITREP 081605

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I apologize for not having the followup post to the Illegal Aliens Forum that I talked about last post. I took a break from the computer (mostly). Much craziness happening around these parts. Latest bit o' da crazy being my Grandfather ending up in the hospital after blacking out when he was by himself in his house. Last update I received was that he is recovering, and that is as much as I am going to say about it in a public forum at this time.

On a lighter note, my plan to get Little Man a incident-free haircut failed... miserably. Although this same plan DID work last time. He is scared outta his mind about the hair clippers. Shrieks and runs when they are powered on. So, plan of attack was to shave my head while he watched, so that he could see that there was not anything to be scared of. As I stated before, this worked last time. He "sucked it up" and was a brave li'l guy while I shaved his head.

THIS time, he just was not having "it". screamed and struggled the entire time. *sigh* At least snuggle time with Mommy and Daddy calmed him down. I think he forgave me by the evening.

So anyway, I hope to have another post up by tomorrow. Just wanted to get something up so that dust does not start to collect!

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Just The Facts...

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Well, I only was able to listen to about 45 minutes of the Illegal Immigration forum tonight, the one that was almost cancelled. Hosted by CA state Sen. Bill Morrow, the meeting featured former San Diego mayor and radio talk-show host Roger Hedgecock as emcee, Colorado Congressmen Tom Tancredo, Minuteman Project founder James W. Gilchrist, attorney and author Madeleine Cosman, and former U.S. Attorney Pete Nunez. (<--pulled from the John and Ken website) From radio reports, the forum was filled PAST capacity at 400 people inside, and 300 more waiting to come in. Last I heard, there were no big problems out of the 250 protesters that showed up... due to the 300+ Carlsbad Police that were reported to be on hand, some of which were in full riot gear.

Of course, the 250 protesters were composed of the North County Council for Justice and Peace as well as the anti-american protesters that harrassed the California Minutemen. And of course, whenever "Peace" and "Activist" are mentioned in the same sentence, there is usually violence, or attempts thereof... initiated by the so-called peaceniks. Last I heard, the Carlsbad PD was still doing an excellent job, and the forum-goers were largely ignoring the antagonistic yelling / shouting / racism / etc. being spewed by the hate-mongers (in case you are confused or are limited by a leftist mind, hate-monger = these... brilliant... people).

Of the part that I was able to listen to, the following information was presented. I will try to verify as much as I can, and correct that which is just pure propoganda (<-- that is not just a tool of leftists...).


Hospitals are closing due in part to doctors being fined $50,000 per incident for refusing to see illegal aliens, WHO CAN'T PAY! (kinda a Catch-22)

School are getting penalized for lower testing scores - due to illegal aliens who have little to no interest in learning this Nation's language, and whose social communities do not push them to.

95% of outstanding warrants for Violent crimes in (Los Angeles or California... missed that part) are for Illegal Aliens

65% of outstanding warrants for Homicides in (again, missed...) are for Illegal Aliens

Multiple Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (at one point a lot of these were virtually wiped out in the U.S. of A.) (California had 38,290 cases, 80% of which were found in people illegally here from Mexico or the Phillipines, and costs $250,000 - $1.5 Million PER PERSON TO CURE)



Hepatitis A

Kawasaki Disease (fun li'l disease that cause friggin' heart attacks in KIDS 5 AND UNDER!!!)

are ALL on the rise. (my apologies for the spotty info here... was driving had to make some short notes... I guess the good thing IS the stand still traffic...)

Soooooooooo.... still think that whole concept of ignoring the rules of Immigration is a Good Thing ? Our border security is important and Immigration Laws NEED to be enforced due not only to the above, but also because of terrorism concerns. Like many others out there, I will put blame for the next attack on U.S. soil squarely on the shoulders of the Open Borders crowd.

I will be updating this post when I find out more of what happened at the rest of the meeting tomorrow.

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Score One For Freedom...

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Well, I am proud to report that the attempt to use a Heckler's Veto against a Senator from California (who is hosting a open forum regarding Illegal Immigration in his own district) has been thwarted.







*sniff* *wipes tear*

Wow, it is always a good feeling when these types of people have their efforts squashed before they can stifle the basic rights of all Americans.

News flash, Morons. Trying to play the Race Card does not work anymore. You have tried to bully the rest of us into silence whenever you don't get your way by claiming that we are a bunch of ignorant racists. Nah. This does not have ANYTHING to do with race. This has to do with:

Protecting our borders

Our Hospitals closing

Our schools being overcrowded

Our traffic hitting record levels

Diseases eradicated previously, re-emerging

Crime and gangs being imported from other countries.

"But they came here to work / have a better life / (insert bleedy-heart lib crap here)... It's not fair to make them follow the rules!" Ya, so?! I can't stay at home growing my hair out, smoking weed, and intellectualizing (HAH! Me make big word) about how The Man sucks. I have a job to do and a family to support. Mebbe I can cash in on yer socialist beliefs, and take half of all of your collective paychecks home and just do nothing. Something for everyone, yah? The topic of Illegal Immigration is an important one, one definitely worthy of discussion. Each of the points I raised earlier are impacting everyone here, and it WILL spread to the rest of the Nation. Senator Morrow's forum is an OPEN forum, meaning this:

If you have a differing viewpoint, GO AND STATE YOUR CASE TO AN AUDIENCE THAT IS THERE TO DISCUSS THE ISSUE! You have a group of people there that will give you a chance to convince them that they might be wrong! Or maybe, just maybe, the overwhelming evidence and facts will convince YOU that THEY are right! Debate is the foundation of our society here in the U.S. of A. With this being said, if you are available to go to the event (pro- or anti- illegal immigration), I have the info right here:

Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center13275
Location: 3557 Monroe Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Neighborhood: Carlsbad
Phone: 760.931.8709

(Taken from Roger Hedgecock's website)

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Friggin' CMT...

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I started that last post at 20:30 h. I've had the TV on CMT (was watchin' the original DoH), and they had a series called The Greatest Patriotic Songs. It took me an HOUR to write that last post, and I already knew EXACTLY what I had planned to write. Damn good show.

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Um, OK...

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If anyone ever catches me doing anything even REMOTELY similar to this, please plant a solid object (fist, bottle, something...) upside my jaw and take my unconscious booty outta there. The crazy parts of this story are:

1.) The store owners, his family, and his friends, did nothing to physically stop the man,

2.) This is not the first time this has happened. Nope.


I think these point back to the whole lack of responsibility thing being A Bad Thing. I have done the 12 hour thing before, hell, that's how I met The Wife! However, I did that at a LAN Party, where the overall event is 12 - 24 hours, and there are MANY breaks in the gaming actions, consisting of eating, socializing, and sleeping (if needed). Then I spent the next WEEK recuperating from it. Hence the reason why I would only go to mebbe one a year.

C'mon, people, it's only a game!

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Well, it seems that Froggy is a "tad upset" at the makers of one of my favorite (though older) games. I own both the book and the movie of this event. The book definitely presents the big picture, while the movie, in a typical Hollywood way, TRIES to portray the bravery and comadrie of the soldiers involved. I was glad that both came out, so that we got more than just the Clinton-friendly Media's account of what happened. Take a minute to go visit his site to get his take on it. Now, please note that I am a FPS fanatic. They give me a sort of instant satisfaction of a quick test of skills, one that can be done at any time against anyone, anyWHERE in the world. Pop on for five minutes or five hours, and done.

This game, however, does nothing to shed more light on the subject matter. The only purpose is to frame another FPS into a catchy environ.

FPS game designers are in a tough spot. The concept has been around since the original Id game of Castle Wolfenstein. Doom took it up a notch. And then there was Quake. So they are finding that they are running out of ideas for THEMES for these games, since they have been out beginning in early 1992. The current rage is WWII themed games. Games such as Return to Castle Wolfenstein, MOH:PA, Call of Duty, Day of Defeat, Battlefield 1942... Just recently, a modern warfare one came out, Battlefield 2. The one thing that all of these games have in common, is that they are INSPIRED by real events, or are simply fictional and set in the timeframe so as to give a reason for killing people.

Where Novalogic crosses the line, is that they based their new game off of a real event, with the ACTUAL people represented, an event that was a friggin' TRAGEDY. Why not just make a game based on 9/11, where you can choose sides as to being one of the passengers, trying to stop the plane by crashing it into a field, or play as one of the terrorists, where you have to try to crash into the Pentagon, the Twin Towers, or the White House? I realize that this is an extreme example, but it gets my point across. This was a dumb move by Novalogic. And, unfortunately, I think Froggy is right about the type of person that the majority playing this game will be.


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Lawyers And Diapers...

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More Froggy-posting today. Seems that he has some questions for those in the legal profession. On a personal note, I had the dealership pull a "The BANK does not feel comfortable giving you this loan with no money down, so we need an additional $3,000" on me... after me having the car for three days. Of course, being as it was my ONLY means of transport at the time, and my job was 30+ miles away, I gave in to their demands.

On to things of a more smelly nature... DIAPERS!

The Players:

Tiny (1 yr. old)

Little Man (2 yrs. old)

So, kiddoes had an off night last night. Much crying and lack of sleep. Little Man was having bad dreams or something. So, I let The Wife sleep in this morning since she stayed up most of the night. Tiny and I went and had breakfast out in the living room. Tiny then decides to wake his brother (we live in a two-bedroom apartment, so there is not a lot of travelling involved). Little Man comes out a little grumpy, so I settle him down to breakfast (start with pudding... don't tell Mom!). I think I heard Bill Cosby's rendition of "Dad is great! Gave us the Chocolate Cake!" playing in the background somewhere. I sit on the couch fer a bit, waiting for Little Man to finish. Tiny has since disappeared into his brother's room to play with some of his brother's toys. After mebbe ten minutes, while I am cleaning up Little Man, Tiny comes running out and into the kitchen. I hear him playing with his truck. Then, the next thing I know, he is standing in front of me, all smiles... and naked.

"Wha- Where's yer diaper, you li'l sneak?"

He turns back around to look towards the bedroom... and I get a great view of a very poopy butt.


Turns out he disposed of it in Little Man's room, stepped in it on the way out, and tracked some into the kitchen, and back out to me.

Now that everyone has a great mental image, I would like to take this moment to voice my support of abstinence. Trust me, it may be a night of fun; however, it turns into a life where you blog about poop.

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On Financing Terrorism...

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Victor Comras over at The Counterterrorism Blog has an interesting piece on terrorists and their financers. Definitely a "must read".

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More One Year Olds...

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One of our resident San Diegans just reached the one year mark in blogging. Happy Blogiversary, Froggy! I really hope he does stick with it. His experience and contacts in his former professions provide invaluable insight and analysis into a lot of what we experience today the GWOT. It is also interesting to hear a fellow former (Thanks for the correction, SMASH!) San Diegan's (SMASH is another) thoughts on some of our screwed up happenings locally. I think that the first post I read of his was this one. He, along with the rest of those on my Blog list (Michael Yon is a new addition), has been one of my daily reads since.

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Better And Better...

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Wow. I thought this show was pretty cool. Then they make this one:


World Premiere: Thursday, August 4, 8-10 PM
The Medal of Honor is the most distinguished military award in the history of the Armed Services. Almost always presented by the President of the United States, the Medal of Honor is the highest decoration given for valor in action. To date, the Medal of Honor has been awarded to 3,440 recipients, and of these, a mere 129 soldiers are still alive today. Through on-camera interviews with these surviving honorees, supported by archival footage from the very battles in which their moments of valor occurred, MEDAL OF HONOR shares their courageous, intense and often painful stories of heroism.

I watched it, and it was inspiring. One thing that you note when watching, is how each and every one of these guys consider what they did "something that needed to be done". None of them considers themselves a hero. In most cases, their squad was in trouble, and they dinna take too kindly to that.

Of course, it is entirely possible that I am just spewing what I have been programmed to say based upon my brainwashing.

"Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."

Wow... my brain IS clean! Yay!

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Yay, Me...

Micro-burst Transmitter: Online
Sending SitRep...

Well, just passed my first test since being back at school. Going to try to qualify for my next one tonight and hopefully be allowed to take it tomorrow. That should finish out this Cert so that I can focus on the big one.

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On Acronyms...

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Tee-hee... *sniff* *wipes tear*


(Hat tip to Froggy)

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Well, as the Guinness commercial guys would say... Brilliant! I finally configured my site for Trackbacks (via Haloscan) and I managed to kill my only two comments (neither of which were family!!! *shakes fist*), one from JackArmy and the other from GM Roper.

Man, am I a Jack@$$.

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'Tis A Month For Birthdays...

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Looks like Blackfive's baby girl just turned one year old! That only gives him about 15 or 16 years before he busts out the list and puts that fear / uncertainty into the heart of a young man. Congrats to the Blackfive family, and Happy Birthday to li'l Pinkfive!

She apparently shares birthdays with Somone You Should Know...

Speaking of B-days, Tiny will be turning one as well this month. Man this year has flown by. He is in the middle of a growth spurt now... hopefully he doesn't out-grow his older brother!

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My Love Affair With Spyware...

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If you have read one of my earlier posts, you know what my feelings are on the whole Spyware / Adware... thing. This time, all I wanted to do was finish up some on my projects at work, and get to school on time (apparently having almost ten years "in the field" does not your resume a second look get... especially for a college dropout).

"All I wanted was to study,
Just a few hours,
And they wouldn't let me.
All I wanted was to study,



Instead, what do I get to do for almost six frackin' ( <-- BSG rocks!) hours?!?!?! Yup. Fix a system that had some viruses and tons o' self repairing spyware. Inculding this one. Made by these guys. Please, whatever you do, do not visit their infestation site MyPCTuneUp. Bad Voodoo. On the bright side, I did report them to my management, so hopefully a bulletin has been generated to warn my company's general population of users regarding it. Also, my site manager was working late and saw me pluggin' away, and mentioned that they would authorize me for overtime (nice how one canna work OT, possibly even get in trouble for doing OT, unless previously blessed by "The Suits"). Good thing Local management is a top notch crew, or we would never get authorization.

So I fixed the system, just in time for the guy to catch his flight for a trip. System works great, and he's happy. I was just glad to get the dang thing working. I had to pull an "Indiana Jones" on some of the malware's files.

The ol' "Switcher-oo" by creating .TXT files, renaming them to the malware's .EXE files, and doing the Copy........... deletepaste!!! before it could recreate the filies I destroyed.


Blah, many projects behind they are. Must get sleep before Yoda-speak permanent it is.

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And On This Day...

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Ok, you MilBloggers gotta be more careful. Not only are you our Nation's Warriors, you are also the best unfiltered source of what is REALLY going on in other parts of the world. Speaking of MilBloggers, JackArmy hit his Six Month Milestone for Blogging today!


The Tenth IMAO Podcast is up... Go! Listen! Vote!!!!!

Speaking of IMAO and the Mighty FrankJ, apparently switching to GEICO is so easy, a FrankJ can do it! (if prodded along by a certain Sarahk)

SMASH brings the joys of Monty Python to a more contemporary setting...

And finally, DW over at Four Right Wing Wackos makes a good point about the DNC and its latest hypocrisy.

Blah... enuff "Round-up" for now. Work sucked today.

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